Weijie Xiong, Giorgio Facelli, Mehrad Sahebi, Owen Agnel, Thiparat Chotibut, Supanut Thanasilp, Zo\"e Holmes On fundamental aspects of quantum extreme learning machines


ora ora se não temos uma xeroque holmes


Ersteindruck war direkt wieder sympathisch, danach erstmal Ernüchtung und Genervtsein, dann Akzeptanz, dass das halt nicht Sherlock Holmes ist, und inzwischen hat sich ein ganz schöner Flow eingestellt, in den sich sogar die Shooter-Einlagen recht gut einfügen. 🙂 Bleibt aber ein Geduldsspiel.


I read all of the Sherlock Holmes books and was really disappointed. A lot of the great reputation these works have seems to come from how starved readers were for good books. Dickens holds up though. That guy could turn a phrase.


quem diria que a criança que odiava ler continua odiando ler com exceção da coleção de sherlock holmes


I’m a cosignatory of a letter from The Fair Access Coalition in today’s Times welcoming reports over the weekend of a potential planned return of maintenance grants.

Letter text: It is essential that any changes to maintenance grants increase the overall amount of support students are getting. Simply replacing some loan entitlement with grants will not help students to pay the bills. Going to university remains one of the best choices a young person can make to increase their chances of getting a good job. Proposals such as these this will help to turn Labour's opportunity mission into reality.
The Fair Access Coalition
Laura Gray CEO, Brightside; Anne-Marie Canning CEO, The Brilliant Club; Sam Holmes CEO, Causeway; Steve Haines
director of public affairs, Impetus; Rachel Carr
CEO, IntoUniversity; Jonny Rich CEO, Push;
Nick Bent CEO, UpReach; Jayne Taylor CEO, The Elephant Group; Anna Searle CEO, The Access Project
Letter to the editor of The Times: Student grants
Sir, The report in your article ("University. tuition fees 'to rise with inflation'", Sep 28) of a potential increase in maintenance grants for university students is most welcome. Support for students on low incomes to cover rent, food and travel has not kept up with inflation. This is a significant concern for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds considering applying to higher education. Our experience of working with thousands of these students means we know first-hand the extreme hardships they face as undergraduates.

Oh HECK yeah Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes ALL DAY LONG And it has such a fantastic theme song!


It was Virginia which brought the case Buck v Bell to the Supreme Court (1907). The celebrated jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the holding permitting the sterilisation of "the unfit to protect the state." It's still active. In theory it can be imposed now. With epilepsy, I'm acutely aware of this


Vou considerar que você entende o que é ironia já que falou desta forma, Sherlock Holmes🍷