Retrospectively I can see that *Stargate* and *Attack on Titan* were both early expressions of a homegrown form of biphobia that was beginning to shape and color Haitian life...


lmao, it's a gift I mean it's helped that I'm padding out my post with my Greatest Hits from Twitter at the moment. But these are all locally sourced, homegrown, organic, non GMO bangers.


Just finished my last knead for this jalapeño cheddar sourdough loaf with my homegrown jalapeños 😋


i wanna post about my dnd characters more so here is verileth, my centaur ranger/fighter! she's a down to earth homegrown monster slayer that also kinda killed a god. she also has a gf and they lived happily ever after yayyy [ #art#digitalart#dnd#dungeonsanddragons#centaur#oc ]

digital art of a centaur woman from the shoulders up. she has tanned, freckled, scarred skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. her ears are long and fluffy like a horse's, and her hair is pulled into a thick ponytail. she wears a red bandana, leather shirt, and a cowboy hat, which she's tipping to cover her left eye. she's looking off to the right with a serious expression, a rye stalk resting between her lips.
art of a centaur woman kneeling. she's dressed in typical "cowboy" clothes. she's armed with a bow and quiver slung over her shoulder, a sword on her left hip, and a whip on her right.
digital art of a centaur woman. her skin is tanned and freckled, and her horse half has a chestnut brown coat with a single white hoof. she's wearing a simple white blouse, a belt with a buckle that has an apple symbol engraved on it, bead anklets on her horse legs with the colors of the lesbian flag, a red bandana, and a crown of flowers instead of a cowboy hat. she weilds an old, chipped sword in her left hand. her hair is still pulled into a ponytail, but one long loose strand hangs in her face. she's looking off to the right with a more serene expression, giving a soft smile.

Avoiding frozen food and only using fresh wil not guarantee protection from food borne illness because fresh food can also be contaminated with unhealthy bacteria etc. This is also true of homegrown food.


Same way I'll always cheer Corey and Cody. Homegrown players that were class and played hard entire time they were in LA. They left for business reasons and there's no shame in that. I want them to succeed unless they're playing the Dodgers.


plans fell through on a Saturday night so made shen jian bao and steamed pork belly with homegrown picked mustard


Homegrown? :D


made a potato salad and a pasta salad with the homegrown vegetables baby