THEY ARE SO FUCKING HUGE WHAT THE HELL. german wasps are smaller than honeybees id be terrified of those freakazoids too


Exactly this. I love a lot about honeybees but native species could really use the support!


#honeybees in flight

The picture has a background of dark green ivy in front of which are orangey/yellow wiggly lines made by honeybees flying in the sunlight

There are many tiny beasts like honeybees, and almost every flower needs them to grow even more flowers; she tells Reimu and Marisa that they would never experience the joy of sweet fruits like apples or cherries if it wasn't for those tiny beasts and their hard work.


going through my daily newsletters and i would agree if you allergic to bees, you should not get into the bee transport business

Quote of the day
“If you are allergic to the bees, don’t do it. Just don’t do it.”
— Delfino Mendoza, a truck driver who’s shipping honeybees around the country

Several times a year, millions of honeybees are transported back and forth across the country to help pollinate the nation’s crops. The colonies are loaded onto flatbed trucks, covered in special netting and driven thousands of miles by experienced drivers like Mendoza. He chatted with us as part of our new series “What’s That Like?” about the strange jobs that prop up this economy. Will you be next? Submit your own odd job using this form.

I just put out some fresh nectar, so I won't "bug" them and get pics of the other feeder right now. But here's some of today's happy swarm- I've since added a few more (shallow) ceramic bowls nearby the first feeder to encourage the bees to pollinate my squash plants.

Image of large clear bowl-disc with sugar water suspended on the top of a fencepost, swarmed by honeybees and a few yellowjackets
Image of the base of a tree where several squash plants grow in a raised retaining wall-style bed. Two white ceramic bowls are sitting on the retaining wall blocks, one with a broken brick portion sticking out so the bees stop drowning each other trying to find a foothold to get at the nectar. Some squash blossoms and baby squash are visible, happily pollinated from this influx of visitors

So, I'm just straight-up feeding at least one colony of bees on a daily basis now. Mostly honeybees, but there are some yellowjackets dropping by, too. This all started because I'd noticed a dozen or so swarming my hummingbird feeders, and they were frequently getting trapped in them and drowning.


It's my honeybees birthday today hope my baby has a lovely day over the rainbow bridge she would of been 15 today first birthday without you honeybees love and miss you so much my angel xxx


"They're like our remote samplers" 🐝🍯 Great to welcome BBC Oxford to our National Honey Monitoring Scheme in Wallingford to reveal how this partnership with beekeepers is unlocking the secrets of environmental change through honeybees! Read more:

Wallingford UKCEH lab using bees to monitor climate change
Wallingford UKCEH lab using bees to monitor climate change

The bees allow scientists to track changes in a low-cost way, one entomologist said.