Taky skleničky s bezlepkovým Schwarzwaldem, pomerančový jogurtový chlebík, bezlepkový meruňkový s drobenkou, sýrový quiche a samozřejmě housky a sendviče.


Co jsem jedl celý den? Třeba tyhle přesnídávky, ale měl jsem s sebou i housky se salámem a sýrem. A když bylo nejhůř, stavil jsem se na pumpě a napumpoval nějaké jiné sacharidy 😎


Special to #HouSky: just saw someone mention the Ike Dike on Instagram and I swear I haven’t heard that phrase since Twitter times


Wow - thank you! #HouSky


After more than four months, Houston’s overnight temperature has again reached 65 degrees, which we consider the threshold for a fall-like night in the city. Accordingly, we’re celebrating Fall Day today! 🎉🍾 Houston’s temperatures will warm up quickly, but our air will remain dry. #houwx#housky

Happy Fall Day, Houston! After Hurricane Beryl and a torrid September, you deserve it
Happy Fall Day, Houston! After Hurricane Beryl and a torrid September, you deserve it

In brief: After more than four months, Houston’s overnight temperature has once again reached 65 degrees, which we consider the threshold for a fall-like night in the city. Accordingly, we&#8…


Houston’s second cool front of the season has arrived and will take our temperatures down a bit. Houstonians know the primary benefit of September fronts is that they knock down humidity levels. We should see drier-than-normal air through the weekend despite warm days. #houwx#housky

Delicious, drier air arrives with northerly winds today and will hang around for awhile
Delicious, drier air arrives with northerly winds today and will hang around for awhile

In brief: Houston’s second cool front of the season has arrived and it will take our temperatures down a little bit. Long-time residents will know the primary benefit of September fronts is t…


Nechávám holčičku rozkrast mi peněženku, abych se mohla nasnídat. Vstala jsem před 2h. Na ten celkovej maglajz doma se podezřele držím, ona mi hlava odejde zas až později. Už jsme 2x byly hladit čičí, 1x i hafa, za chvíli pojedem vyzvednout ségru. Může být hůř. Právě mi ukradla kousek housky.🤷🏼‍♀️


Nojo, ale stejně. Teda, minule jsem dala jednomu klukovi, co jsem ho vídala v noci na Malostranským, kilo a housky co jsem si nesla domu na snídani. Pohnul mi srdcem, když dal na zem deku, aby jeho pejsek neležel přímo na těch dlažebnich kostkách.


Houston sees another warm and humid day, but there's a twist this afternoon as a broken line of showers and thunderstorms pushes through from northwest to southeast. Drier air follows, leading to sunny days with lower humidity. It’s a weak front, but in September, who’s complaining? #houwx#housky

A cool front is on schedule for later today, with a slight chance of storms
A cool front is on schedule for later today, with a slight chance of storms

In brief: Houston will see another warm and humid day, but there will be a twist this afternoon as a broken line of showers and thunderstorms pushes through the area from northwest to southeast. Dr…


Maybe you have #BlueskyAfterDark, but I have HOUsky After Dark. We are not the same

A photo of the view outside my hotel room. Except I was too tired to get up so it’s a picture of the closed window sheers, taken from the other side of the room