was looking into why people were mad at a fan made translation of a game for being "dishonest to the original work" and then i looked at a reply by someone and now it all makes sense, people just don't want the game to be woke

a reddit comment by The_Extent_Of_Power:

Would be cool if people played just a tiny bit of the game and saw all the horrendous cringe shit the main character says about lolis and flat chests that are left completely intact instead of cherrypicking random things that are translated in a different way? maybe theres a reason? idk

That and the tl has shit like retarded and autism in it, how is it woke. i havent finished it yet but like how is this a takeaway

But people giving like any pushback at all or support for coz have been banned, yet somehow theyre the ones trying to shut down criticism??

Idk if its just one mod or what but how is this a healthy way to talk about translations??

Really want to try kinktober again but idk if I mentally can😭💔 But ooof still loving my pieces from last year😳🫶❤️🩷


Shit fuck uhhhhh Soul Release idk im a yugiboomer LMAO


I missed the Bruno sending-off - I assume he must have whipped out a scimitar and beheaded someone, bc that seems to be the bar for straight reds now, considering the Martinez lunging scythe I did see that was somehow only a yellow. Or maybe he just kicked the ball away especially hard, idk.


It was fun but I had some unpleasant experiences and I fear the problem lies with the story itself too so I'm...idk, I'd love to explore it better but I'm not sure on what format and if I even should at all to begin with qwq


The opposite this time—6-0 into 2 losses—but we got there! Won our game vs Mythic #1223, despite being in gold. I’m cracked; idk what to tell you. Got slaughtered by someone on Unholy Annex + Goat. That was so sick. Speaking of GOATs: Glimmerlight 😤 Dommy is ofc mid af, but better than I expected


Idk what that says about me that I'm gay for a certain >Warframe< Not the operator controlling it


Idk I said the c word on my alt and got like 3 suspiciously traced "I will definitely not ghost you" accounts all really wanting to talk to me, really fast.


Attention from governments ffs you cant be this dumb... Sorry but for many decades people tried to make governments change their ways and they dont. Its natural that the means get more disruptive and honestly idk how stuff is still peaceful.