In a Tuesday bench trial, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney warned the rule to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” is “vague and needs clarification” — a potential warning sign for the pro-Trump officials.

Judge fires off warning to Trump-backed election board over 'vague' new dictates
Judge fires off warning to Trump-backed election board over 'vague' new dictates

A Georgia judge signaled that he believes new, controversial county certification rules put in place by Trump-backed State Board of Elections members are too "vague" and should be clarified, CNN repor...


And the thing that always seemed foolish to me about this position is, by a belief that I share with them, you get better at things by practicing them; wouldn't it follow that you'd get better at inquiry the more you engaged with it, and isn't inquiry a way to build background knowledge?🤔


(Which would mean that only about 10-15% of Americans would ever get the chance to engage in inquiry in the entire course of their formal schooling, even into their 20s.)


Recalling a conversation w/ a "knowledge curriculum" guy I used to around with on The Old Site where I asked him when kids should be allowed to do inquiry learning in school. Grad school, he replied, because that's when they'll have enough background knowledge to ask & answer their own questions!


Happy to! US imm judges used to be called "special inquiry officers", and they aren't like normal judges, they only preside over immigration issue. The majority/plurality of them come from working govt-side in imm enforcement. Those courts are vastly underfunded, to a screaming degree

Fact Sheet: Immigration Courts
Fact Sheet: Immigration Courts

What is the immigration court system? The immigration court system is the entity in which immigration judges conduct removal proceedings and adjudicate asylum claims for immigrants, among other respon...


There's been a lot of words at the USCG inquiry into the Titan sub implosion but strangely, none of the words have been "using carbon composites in compression is fucking retarded".There's been a lot of words at the USCG inquiry into the Titan sub implosion but strangely, none of the words have been "using carbon composites in compression is fucking retarded".


god, can you even imagine? this flight attendant would be the subject of 24/7 frothing punditry from every conservative grifter with a pulse. congress would launch an inquiry into islamic spies infiltrating airline staff. kamala on CNN like "we must protect religious freedom from terrorist abuse"


I'll discover people on soc med or streaming sites and if person is advertising commissions: If what's currently being displayed is to my taste then > Check person's gallery/posts for what their body of work looks like then > Proceed to formal inquiry with artist as specified in ToS


They need to watch the inquiry.