This Living Building in Seattle is a great example of how absolutely every residential tower needs to be designed. I say to my fellow architects—if you are not integrating on-site renewables this aggressively then you are sinning against god and nature.

15-story apartment building in downtown Seattle has solar modules that form the guard rails of every balcony and a large solar canopy that extends out from the roof as a contemporary cornice. View from the street about a block away. Dusk lighting and a clear sky.
15-story apartment building in downtown Seattle has solar modules that form the guard rails of every balcony and a large solar canopy that extends out from the roof as a contemporary cornice. Seen from above looking down to the street below with a good view of the rooftop solar installation.

We published a new episode of The New Quantum Era: Integrating Quantum Computers and Classical Supercomputers with Martin Schultz. Listen:

Integrating Quantum Computers and Classical Supercomputers with Martin Schultz | The New Quantum Era | Episode 40
Integrating Quantum Computers and Classical Supercomputers with Martin Schultz | The New Quantum Era | Episode 40


Calling any witchcore gamers out there looking for the ability to have clairvoyant tea parties and play supernatural detectives--we've made your new favorite setting. Check out It's Only Magic, in which you'll find tools and advice for integrating magic and the supernatural into any modern game...


Something really notable - and this is consistent across the big tech orgs like Google and Microsoft etc - is that Meta never, ever cites generative AI when it comes to its "AI for climate" stuff

Open sourcing our model for sustainable concrete
Our climate-related AI initiatives, including Open Catalyst↗ and the Llama Impact Grants↗ program, are
advancing climate action for the broader community.
2024 Sustainability Report
Concrete currently accounts for over 8% of
carbon emissions worldwide.1
 This can be
reduced by making adjustments to concrete
formulas that optimize for sustainability
performance and technical performance
criteria such as compressive strength gain
and workability. The formulation and testing
of concrete mixes to optimize for multiple
variables can be costly and time-consuming
without the use of AI.
To address this challenge, Meta developed an
open source model↗ that uses an innovative
approach to concrete formulation, integrating
multiple performance requirements in
collaboration with researchers at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign↗.
The model outputs were refined in partnership
with a local industry partner (Ozinga) to
generate concrete mixtures with up to a
40% lower carbon footprint than the regional
industry standard. This lower-carbon concrete
was used in multiple applications at our
DeKalb, IL, data center campus. Variations of
these mixtures have subsequently been used
in at least two other sites, and enabled Meta to
scale requirements to use low carbon concrete
across its entire portfolio for future designs in
specific applications.
We are partnering with top leaders in
sustainable construction to collaborate on the
expansion of this project, and utilize and fine
tune this model for thei
Forests harbor most of Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity and play a critical role in the uptake of carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere. Ecosystem services provided by forests underpin an essential defense against the
climate and biodiversity crises. However, critical gaps remain in the scientific understanding of the structure
and extent of global forests, particularly in dynamic and more dispersed forest systems such as agroforestry,
drylands forests and alpine forests, which together constitute more than a third of the world’s forests. Higher
resolution forest data has the potential to dramatically improve the monitoring of conservation and restoration
efforts globally. This is important for both forest-based carbon credit projects and other conservation efforts
focused on the preservation of forests.
We leveraged our DINOv2 AI training algorithm↗ and collaborated with World Resources Institute (WRI)↗ to
launch an open source map of global tree canopy height↗ at a 1-meter resolution, allowing the detection of
individual trees. We hope this high resolution canopy height data can ultimately be applied to forest biomass
and carbon stock monitoring. Remote sensing can make the monitoring and verification of carbon removal
projects more efficient and more accessible, especially for smaller scale pro

Yeah, I think that's the issue. Short of integrating with the national passport RFID system I'm not sure how possible it'd be


I'm just happy to permanently live in Jenrick's head rent free and I will continue to dismantle "our" national culture and continue to fail integrating There are no words that can express how much I despise this man.


I'd note there's a lot of interesting work being done with new architectures (and aiming at integrating tools like Coq that *are* meant for formal reasoning) here, but here's more evidence that current LLM architectures are lossy but useful models chiefly of *language*, not of *structures*.


I think Flipboard is integrating with Fediverse via AP (so it acts like a Mastodon-compatible instance), and it either enabled Bridgy or allowed users to enable Bridgy for those accounts to Bluesky, so they're connecting as Mastodon-like users here.


If you're interested in adding scripting capabilities to your #RustLang [Original post on]

Niklas standing on the stage, presenting his talk "Runtime Scripting for Rust Applications". The slide shown next to him mentions reasons for integrating scripting languages into Rust applications: Fast prototyping (aided by hot reloading), extending applications without needing to alter their source code (through plugins), and to collaborate with people that find Rust too complicated.