(from MotherJones JanFeb 2024)

info graphs. almost 1000 billionaires in usa in 2020, slightly less now. more in usa than any other country by a lot. size bubbles showing relative wealth of billionaires compared with other classes.

"Figure walking /spectral city" (c) Robert Frede Kenter (c 2023) #skeletal #glitch #photobased #dream #nightmare Created from #hallucinations #covid #pneumonia, #JanFeb #poetry #image #vispo #monochrome

A figure walking towards a distant spectral city -- skeletal, large blank white spaces with hints of a horizon line, as if in a glitch-negative dream/nightmare world by Robert Frede Kenter (2023) An image created during the after hallucinations at the end of covid/pneumonia, Jan/Feb.