since I posted this, my OTHER cat was diagnosed with diabetes (we're taking him in today to learn from the vet tech how to do his monitoring/insulin), and our rent did its annual increase, so! ✨ get 70+ pages of


I think we are up to three (3) genuine Daniel smiles in

Part of a comic panel from Keeping Time. Daniel, an Asian man with dark hair and in a sweater, leans his elbows on a counter surface and laughs while holding a drink in one hand.

Elena Hernandez is: - a trans woman of indeterminate age (she won't tell us) - the underpaid head bartender of a piano bar - determined to befriend the baby deer of a pianist she hired


Daniel is making pour decisions in today's KEEPING TIME update


bi visibility day means it's time to bring back the pair of 2021 illustrations that twitter dubbed "the italicized 'oh' moment" #KeepingTime (but like, really old dev work)

A drawing of a man with black hair singing into a microphone, while just the neck of his guitar is visible. The lighting and faint fog suggest he is on stage. He is lit from bright pink lighting from behind, and blue lighting from the front.
A second guy with blond hair and a neck tattoo has stopped playing his own guitar to stare at the first guy, of whom we all we can see is his throat as he leans his head back to breathe

okay I'm doing being mean to Denver, I promise he's getting some nice panels too #KeepingTime


reader, this is my comic's romantic lead #KeepingTime

a small black and white ink drawing from a WIP comic panel. A dude in a leather jacket and a beanie is posing sort of like a gremlin who just got snuck up on

these four pages of Keeping Time are where I felt like I finally, FINALLY hit my stride, and I love 'em a lot. #KeepingTime#webcomics

A comic page from Keeping Time.

Panel 1: A speaker continues from the last page, off-panel, "...but wait until you go on tonight at 8pm." The caption reads, "Now." Three boys are playing instruments in a small practice studio.

Panel 2: A close up of Stef, the bassist, his eyes closed beneath his baseball cap. Stark, evenly spaced together lines of music denote the even strumming of his bass guitar.

Panel 3: Denver plays a chord far up the neck of his Gibson Les Paul, frowning slightly. The lines symbolizing his music swing wildly from high to low.

Panel 4: Finally, the drummer, is grinning as he plays the drums, his music lines broken up in a staccato pattern. Beneath all his scruffy beard stubble, his giant grin is wide enough to make up for how neither of his bandmates weren't smiling at all.

Panel 5: An empty panel. Someone (Stef, the bassist), interrupts the playing and says, "Wait, wait, hold up. This sounds fucking awful."
Panel 1: Denver frowns, one eyebrow raised. He asks, "Dude. Stef. What gives?"

Panel 2: Tomás, he drummer, stretches his arms above his head. His face is scrunched up as he complains, loudly, "Maaan, I was just getting in the zone, too…"

Panel 3: Stef, the bassist, physically leans out of his panel, his arm reaching across Tomás's panel to point one accusatory finger right at Denver in panel 1. Stef says, "Sorry, Tomás. But that guy’s been playing like shit all day."

Panel 4: The view is of Denver and Stef arguing, as seen by Tomás from behind the safety of his drum set. Denver points at himself &. in disbelief says, "Me? I sound like shit?"

Stef i's frowning as he answers, "Yeah. Your head’s obviously not in it right now."

Panel 5: Frowning, Denver starts his rebuttal, "That's--"

Panel 6: Denver hesitates.

Panel 7: Denver finally relinquishes the argument, smiling sheepishly.   "Yeah, okay. That’s probably true. That’s probably true."
Panel 1: Stef takes a seat in the stool on his side of the room. "Alright, bro. What’s going on with you?"

Panel 2: Tomás wears a shit-eating grin. He says, "Oooh. You've unleashed Stef's dad voice."

Panel 3: Denver's smile is strained.

Panel 4: Stef leans backwards to talk over his shoulder to Tomás. "You’re not in any position to joke, Shipman. You’re still playing too damn fast. Tighten it up, man." Tomás's expression is cartoony and meek. He replies, "Ok." and in smaller, tiny letters, "sorry Dad"

Panel 5: Stef pinches the bridge of his nose, grimacing. "We’ve only got 8 weeks until we open for Malörtov Cocktail. You guys aren’t taking this seriously enough."

Panel 6: Looking panicked, Stef continues, the show’s getting closer, and we haven’t even found a replacement singer yet!"

Panel 7: Denver rubs his neck with his left arm. "Yeah, see, about that…"

Panel 8: A blank panel, but for Denver's voice continuing, "I think I found our singer."
A single panel splash page of a cluttered hallway. Some of the things that make up the clutter are items left by years of musicians and artists coming and going through this space. There's a shopping cart filled with junk, an old upright piano that's been spraypainted various colors, a trashcan that's covered in graffiti and stickers. Traffic cones lie next to an old sofa. In the far distance, beneath an arrow pointing to the left below a spray-painted "EMERGENCY EXIT" leans an old mattress and a ladder.

On the wall of the hallway, the chapter title reads, "CHAPTER 2: PAGAN BABY."

From the door nearest us, Denver's voice continues, "...we just gotta get him to say yes first."