I've run a fair amount of L5R 4e so want to try 5e to see how it contrasts given the shift in system. I'm enjoying STA though there are a lot of moving parts so I introduced the core character rules bit by bit over 2 sessions and I'm sure I've missed some. We've barely touched the starship rules.

1 ran an excellent game of L5R at Owlbear, though I think it was 4e. How are you finding STA? I played last Friday, a lot of fun, The Cosmic Algorithm (?) from the quickstart maybe?


I'm terrible at drawing but my character Asquekcha for a fairly modified Stars Without Numbers campaign. She's a member of a rodent-lik species I'm calling Angalix who come from a devastated world (Drawing heavily on the Tari from Dark Sun & Nezumi from L5R). She's a religious novice from...

A female ratfolk with light grey fur in a blue robe with a ornamental yellow collar with Ideographic script.

L5R é um dos meus favoritos de todos os tempos atualmente eu jogo o meu próprio sistema q mistura um monte de jogos que eu e meus amigos gostamos (L5R, Exalted, Sword World e etc)L5R é um dos meus favoritos de todos os tempos atualmente eu jogo o meu próprio sistema q mistura um monte de jogos que eu e meus amigos gostamos (L5R, Exalted, Sword World e etc)


Que que cê joga? Entrei em um grupo de L5R faz um tempo e tô curtindo bastante, só tinha jogado D&D antes


Finished the second campaign of L5R with YZE; figured out more of what needs hacking to make it flow right - which is good. 20 sessions of it at this point, and a year of play. The party did a speech check on Legate Lanius effectively; trying to deal with time shenanigans. Had the moderate ending.


Nope, L5R 4th edition alternate campaign setting I fleshed out


#OldestTTRPGOnTheShelf My shelves are across two continents but...Runequest Land of Ninja (3e) 1984. Bought this at a Carboot sale as a kid. Barely knew what an rpg was at that point. Never got to run RQ fully, but used the adventure for L5R.


Yo por el sistema, optaría por L5R, pero 1a edición que era muy sencilla, tenía pocas complicaciones y dejaba muchas cosas al criterio del master


Sábado tem minha última sessão do Campeonato de Topázio de #L5R#RPG