#lcb0513#meurgreg Some old stuff I have drawn before.


[ Maid⛓️🪳] #mugr0513#뫼그0513#lcb0513


wchef silliness & dynamic #LCB0513#LimbusCompany

two panel comic of chef greg and w corp meursault from limbus company. the style is very simple and only features the characters.

panel 1: meursault is in his W Corp uniform and holding up a clear bag of viscera. gregor is looking in the other direction. meursault says "i brought something home from work for you." gregor has a speech bubble that only says "?"

panel 2: gregor is now looking at what meursault brought with a shocked reaction. he says "!? thanks, but... aren't ya like... a train janitor". meur's blank expression is unchanged and he replies "There was a mistake today."
a very loose comic of w corp meursault & chef gregor from limbus company. a sexual scenario is overall implied though not occuring in this image.

the top right has two drawings of meursault's body. the left drawing is of him being only muscle, and an arrow points to the second drawing of him with a softer and less defined body, implying he's gained fat. 

the actual comic begins on the left. there are three panels.
panel 1: a chibi greg has his body between meur's legs and his face at the level of meur's stomach. meursault's shirt is open. gregor is smiling mischeviously.

panel 2: greg bites on meur's stomach fat. meursault's arm raises in reaction. the word "chomp" is above the image.

panel 3: the camera is now above the men and we can see meur's face. meur is looking down at greg confused while greg looks up at him with an innocent smile.
chibi heads of w corp meursault & chef gregor. they are copy pasted three times and have arrows pointed at eachother describing how they feel about the other. this image is mostly text.

first set of heads: the arrow pointing from meursault to gregor reads "who are you". the arrow pointing from gregor to meursault reads "intense crush he loathes having."

second set: this part is labeled "(dating)". gregor's head is saying "if i die i die". the arrow pointing from meursault to gregor reads "i don't know how to express that i don't want you to die." the arrow pointing from gregor to meursault states "well now i feel kinda bad which is new.

third set: this part is labeled "(married)". there are no arrows in this part, only two speech bubbles. meursault says "work was normal today". gregor's says "yeah same here."

gore warning! wchef 💙❤️ #LCB0513#LimbusCompany

ship art of chef gregor & w corp meursault from limbus company. you can only see their heads/shoulders. the background is bright red while the characters are a contrasting gray. greg is above meursault, laying his head on top of meur's head. he is holding meurs's throat while putting his meat cleaver against the other side of meur's throat/face. there is small text pointing to meursault that reads "never been hornier in his life"
one panel of a sketchy no-color comic. meursault is leaning back and looking away while gregor leans onto him, holding meur's right arm. text clarifies that meursault is sitting while greg is standing, but you can only see chest-up.
greg says "Y'know, you've got to be the strangest guy I've met... Came seeking me out... and for what? Ya said you get your rocks off over this? Ha... Well, I won't turn an easy ingredient down. I'll make it last, too... Once in a lifetime chance to have fresh meat for days off'a one source..."

A second smaller speech bubble is next to the arm Greg's holding. Greg states "You're good with this arm first, right?" Meursault responds "Yes."
3 panels that continue from the previous comic panel. 

The first panel shows only Gregor's hands gripping his cleaver. There are two speech bubbles that read "Here we go, monsieur... I'll make it a clean cut."

The second panel is an impact frame. The sound effects of "scccchh- CHOP!" are above it.

The third panel shows Gregor behind a table that Meur has his arm laying flat on. Gregor is lifting his bloody blade from Meur's arm. The arm appears messily separated from his shoulder with blood all over the table and on Greg's apron. Meursault's face is not drawn, only a shadow over it. His hair is messy and he's sweating.
Gregor is casually looking at his cleaver, stating "Ah... Guess it needs a sharpen."

#lcb0513#lcb513 我就存個檔,這邊不一定會用