Ya. Rainbow capitalism is weird too. They’ll make money off of the lgbtqai community but they don’t defend us when the shit hits the fan.


Also if you see people (libs) saying “enjoy the camps” to the lgbtqai community or communists or socialists - then you should just say “we live in a fascist shithole” to begin with. Stop beating around the bush. Just say it.


I live in Salem. I know a ton of lgbtqai goths, some Latino goths and 1 black goth girl who dresses absolutely awesome. But when I watched this video it clicked. She’s right in a lot of ways. It is mostly whites.


어 근데 선생님 lgbtqai+라고도 하지만 그냥 lgbtq라고 줄여 부르기도 해요 줄여서 지칭하고 그 뒤에 본인의 앨라이 정체성을 적시한 것 아닐까요 물론 사람이라면 당연히 퀴어 아니면 앨라이여야 맞고 페미니스트여야 맞으니 그걸 굳이 소개해야 하나 싶을 수도 있겠지만 어떻든 동료시민으로서 예의를 지키려고 노력한다를 바이오에 그런 식으로 표시하는 것 자체는 개인 선택일 뿐인것 아닌가 합니다...😲


They talk about how lgbtqai rights will be rolled back and how we have to vote for democrats to save that as they throw all these groups under the bus including their own community for their American exceptionalism. How many lgbtqai has Israel killed? Do you even know?


Then they talk about the lgbtqai community, as they ignore women, children, men, and the lgbtqai community in the Middle East under constant attacks. Attacks that have lasted for over 70 years.


You know how republicans always blame hurricanes or natural disasters on the lgbtqai community and shit? 🤔 Now, who’s God punishing with this one? Is it the chuds this time? Oh please Jesus let it be the chuds! I’m totally kidding of course. God isn’t real, and neither are the chuds.


Careful to not alienate the left though. The anarchists, anti fascists, communists, etc. Because whether you believe us or not we have always been fighting and protesting for the lgbtqai community. Long before bsky was even a thing. And we will continue because many comrades are in that community.


Instead I was called “a terf” -put on Nazi lists even after decades of fighting for lgbtqai rights as I am one too. But this isn’t about me, or Sally or Marxists or communists. It’s about the system. Just like everything. Ask a black American about oppression. They’ll tell you the road isn’t easy.