100% this, one of my favorite things about NYC. People who don't do their homework on that front, among other things, usually confuse form with substance. Loudness, speed, use of space, word choice, tone, body language etc. don't correlate with degree of kindness the way outsiders think they do.


Is it just me or has music lowered its expectations on headphones recently? I feel like most modern music sounds the same regardless of how good your headphones are; it’s just a wall of loudness.


I agree misogyny cuts across almost all cultural groups to varying degrees and aspects, but there's a loudness and brashness valued in machismo that aligns too well with what Trump is selling


Oh dear, I know your pain too well. When I lived in an apartment with my hubby the loudness was horrible. Specially hecause there was a bar nearby, so loud music at night, people speaking LOUD, screaming, and the evangelic cults were pretty loud as well. If it was annoying to me,


I’m not awake enough for the loudness and energy one of the nephews has 😭😭😭


Season one was BAD. Season 2 will be worse. I suspect the loudness you hear are the screams from a man who knows his empire is crumbling. He's an emperor with no clothes. A laughingstock. Laugh and point y'all. It works.


Growing older is realising I had to make up for the other people's loudness hence why I became soft-spoken. What need do you have, if someone else is always eager to be heated even a room with only few people?


Franz Ferdinand were beyond brilliant last night. Such a party atmosphere in the audience and I'm sure they appreciated our loudness. I want to see them as much as I can.


while now-spouse was living w/ me during a tough period 4 their cancer... 2 young men upstairs, 1st yr residents, got into habit of late night drunken loudness meaning now spouse couldn't get the rest they needed. weeks of polite attempts at behavior change failed. 😫