Não existe cenário em que laissezfaire da doença dá bom pra gente. Não existe. Repassem. Transformem em gospel, não sei qual a saída. O que tamos tendo vai seguir dando merda


When people accuse Dems of "packing" the court, they should recall Sen. LaFollette's response from the days of Roosevelt: "The Court has been 'packed' for years...'packed' in the cause of reaction and laissezfaire." (via

Sen. Robert LaFollette: "There is a lot of talk of the President “packing” the Court. Let’s not be misled by a red herring. The Court has been “packed” for years – “packed” in the interests of Economic Royalists, “packed” for the benefit of the Liberty Leaguers, “packed” in the cause of reaction and laissezfaire. Let’s be frank about this matter. The vested interests have for years prevailed in the selection of judges. Under our form of government the will of the majority should prevail. If the majority of the people want progress, they shall have it. [The 1936 election] made it clear and unmistakable where the vast majority of the people stand. They want to be free from the shackles of vested interests. They have rejected the Economic Royalists. In the words of Lincoln, they want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. They cannot have it if the Supreme Court places itself above the Constitution and arrogates to itself legislative functions."

😡 Laissez-faire: Illegale Camper wieder da! 👉 Leider gelten Verbote in Linz anscheinend eher wenig ...