I read some really terrible reviews of it but I also have a friend that liked it? A couple of places cast doubt on the level of genuine recycling. That's a piece that I'm trying to nail down for all these places. I don't mind not selling fast fashion, I would like to keep it from landfills.


ALL the garbage, sewers, landfills, chemicals, feces, etc from the region get washed up into the slurry, and then are left in stagnant places with no proper flow or drainage. It is BAD BAD BAD WATER. There’s a reason swamps are associated with disease and rot in the human imagination.


(Note: We pulled most of this back out to balance our browns and greens for optimal composting.) We're dedicated to eco-friendliness. We're investing in recycling equipment for PLA and other 3D printing filaments. Until then, our waste material will nourish our garden instead of filling up landfills


Landfills and commercial farms too


Humanity has forgotten technology as well We forgot how to make concrete we've reinvented several things over different cultures over hundreds and thousands of years The idea of technology outlasting a social structure is also an old idea and quite frightening still Landfills of iPhones agree


We've spent the excess labor of the last two generations on cars and car infrastructure and the majority of it is either in landfills or "crumbling" We also drained off much of the existing wealth of our cities to pay for it all We've polluted our planet for trinkets that are all trash now


You know what super power I would like to have? RECYCLING Like, snap my fingers and a pile of trash gets sorted into its component parts in handy-dandy bricks of material. I would spend my time traveling the world to landfills and just...clean up. Hop my ass in a boat & go to the garbage patch.


Does that include all the mass in landfills? Gotta be about 20% of the total.


I wonder how much space all those CDs are taking up in landfills.


Why do people still use toxic paints and glitter to decorate pumpkins? Those have to go to landfills because they can no longer be composted. Just do it the old way, carve them, use the pulp and seeds, and even if you don't compost, you can start or give it to someone who does.