not clear as to how any strategic location/alliance etc. etc. is worth any of this, i mean?


every terminal (by necessity) reports its location, so it's not so hard: "This terminal which we haven't seen in a long time just tried to connect at the UA border and is travelling at Shahed speeds towards a city during an air-raid alert reporting Shaheds at that location" = no internet for you


Bus incident reported for routes: 80. Alert: 80 Service Alert: Expect northbound delays on Route 80 at H St NW & 11th St because of a medical emergency. Check your bus location by visiting Updated: 2024-09-30 09:33:19 (Eastern).


Now people say Seulgi's cousin is there too because of the location 😭


On s'imagine pas à quel point la souris en plastique vit dans la peur ici

Photo d'une souris en plastique accrochée dans un abat-jour dans une horrible cuisine rustique mais je suis en location

I was also thinking of places like Asheville and others where bogus, low-budget "hey look at this climate-safe location for which we have not scrutinized susceptibility to riverine flooding" recommendations have confused and misled people. Not just Florida.


as part of my current tech hype i changed up my terminal prompt and installed eza as a ls replacement and look at how CUTE this looks the only problem is that apparently the nerd font i'm currently using doesn't have the yaml filetype icon but i love it too much to change it

terminal screenshot using starship prompt with folder/location info on the right and showing off eza's file listing with different colors and icons for different file/folder types, in tree view and list view. color theme is night owl

Good meeting and location scout at Itasca Studios today preparing for a new film #filmmaking


TOP ROW: Four panels from THE KILLING JOKE, by Alan Moore and Brian Boland, with the Joker speaking to Batman from a remote location as Batman fights for his life, discussing how one bad day can make a person willing to do horrible things. (Character limit prevents quoting the four panels here.)

SECOND ROW, LEFT: Picture of Trump where he delivered the remarks quoted to the right of image:

If  you had one really violent day... one  rough hour and | mean real rough the word will get out and it will end immediately...  (Trump’s plan to stop crime Erie, PA, Sept 29, 2024 

Did he... just crib an idea from Alan Moore...?