Watching a loudmouth with a bad suit yammering about odds in the presidential election, and wishing for someone who could say something intelligent.


well thatā€™s because thereā€™s an inflection point to this shit where you stop being a rhetorical loudmouth and start doing things in meatspace and the nazis happen to be a very good example of that calculus


I dropped something #catradora#catra#adora#shera

Three cut-up screenshots from AO3. One is the title: Tie the Knot (Around My Neck, She's Driving Me Crazy).
The other two are the summary:

When Catra Weaver arrives at the extravagant Moonstone Manor to plan the wedding of the heir to the famous Bright Hotel chain, she is prepared to face a lot of terrible things: rich assholes flaunting their wealth, annoying tears, and the painful chirpy, shrill voice of the bride that has been haunting her in her sleep. What she had not accounted for was the loudmouth maid of honor who is obsessed with antagonizing Catra at every turn.
    If only she weren't so stupidly hot.

    Adora Gray only has one goal in life: to make sure her friends are happy, no matter what it takes. Love is off the table for her, let alone any sort of relationship, so she is determined to spend every waking moment helping her two best friends with their dream wedding. Even when a wedding planner is thrown into the mix, Adora refuses to back down. After all, how could a random stranger possibly help her friends better than she could?
    And why is she exactly Adora's type?

Wrote about The Deliverance for the patreon, a much better movie starring Glenn Close as the loudmouth grandmother in an impoverished family facing a crisis than Hillbilly Elegy.

The Deliverance (2024, Lee Daniels) | Scout Tafoya
The Deliverance (2024, Lee Daniels) | Scout Tafoya

Get more from Scout Tafoya on Patreon


What if weā€™re following you for the friendly loudmouth part, what then huh


You sound great! You've gotta start somewhere and over time as you get used to talking to an audience, your voice will only improve! When I first started, my voice was very low and quiet but now I'm a loudmouth and people have to turn my volume down when we're in a VC :P


Director Janet Moody The Loudmouth director of Moody Blue Movie Studios


I know a lot of people are on here to network professionally, and I respect the necessity of that (especially in creative fields!), but I feel obligated to let new followers know that I'm personally not useful in a networking capacity. I'm just a friendly loudmouth looking for community. Sorry!


Tge lovable loudmouth


Hi. Jonathan here. Engineer by education, author by passion, going back and forth between action-adventure, BDSM erotica, and various reviews. I enjoy lots of things, hold many others in contempt, and, as a loudmouth, I often talk about all of them.