Yes, natural pigments like this are very intense, and we’re fortunate that so many of these frescoes were preserved (and so many that didn’t interest the Bourbons were destroyed). I never get tired of seeing them, particularly at the MANNapoli.


Sé que es un corredor que decoraba el jardín de la Villa de los Papiros en la ciudad de Herculano, pero no me negarás que en su mirada se aprecia el temor que emana de su interior, como si presintiera que un volcán está a punto de estallar. #EmocionArte. @MANNapoli 📷Silvia Vacca


"Y en cuanto a su valor, ¿no es Amor un Hércules, encaramándose de continuo a los árboles de las Hespérides?" ¿No vas a #EmocionArte con Shakespeare y con el "coraje indomable" de Heracles y su "sensibilidad profundamente humana'"? @MANNapoli 📸 sunochilaw


No trip to the Vesuvian area is complete without the vast storeroom that is the #MANNapoli. I spent nearly three whole days in there, and still didn’t see everything.


Beautiful painting by Francesco Morelli, depicting a lararium (household shrine) and a fresco with gladiators, probably from a house in the Insula Occidentalis in #Pompeii#WWII#archaeology#MANNapoli

Brightly colored print from a painting, depicting a lararium on the left and a fresco with gladiators on the right. The lararium consists of a white stucco background on the altar and the wall behind it, which has a fresco of the Lares (household gods) and the red agathodaemon (crested snake) about to eat an egg, all on a yellow background. The main fresco on the right has a deep red background with ivy garlands, and ivy topiary at the bottom, within a bright yellow bench-like structure. Atop that is a framed painting of two gladiators in golden helmets with blue-green feathered crests and short red tunics. One gladiator, on the right, has thrown down his shield while holding a hook, the other on the left is aggressively moving forward with a sword and shield. The gladiator on the right seems to be gesturing towards someone outside the frame to our right. On the right is a dish-style fountain enclosed with a curved yellow garden wall below a framed painting of another gladiator.

A wonderful fresco fragment depicting horses reigned and guided by an unseen groom or knight (described by the #MANNapoli#archaeology

Fresco fragment depicting most of one horse, and the hindquarters of another. They are both white and the nearly complete one has a pale yellow mane. He has a bit in his mouth, and we can see the hand of a person holding the reins; the horse’s right front hoof is off the ground. The background is a deep Pompeiian red.

She walks into a room, and it goes quiet, every eye on her. Polychrome statue of Venus, from a shrine in a nameless home in #Pompeii#archaeology#MANNapoli (inv. 109608)

Rear of a statuette of Venus, her wrap - falling down her back - painted in a deep yellow-orange color, her hair painted yellow with orange shadows. 

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (Naples National Archaeological Museum, inv. 109608)

These floating figures were originally on either side of a large painting depicting Achilles on Skyros, below left. The Niccolini brothers’ drawing of the south wall of the tablinum shows how these elements fit together, along with illusionary architectural dividers. 2/ 📸 me #MANNapoli

Fresco panel depicting the discovery of Achilles in the women’s quarters of the palace of the king of Skyros. He’s hiding from the prophesy that says if he fights in the Trojan War, Troy will fall, but he will die - and therefore he’s dressed as a woman (not very convincingly, although he’s painted his face white). Ulysses and another Greek soldier grab Achilles, who has reached for his shield. Gorgeous work on the metals in this scene - the shields, helmets, et al. 

House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii. 
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN inv. 9110)
Black technical line drawing on white paper, showing how the large painting of Achilles on Skyros was in a middle framed space, flanked on either side by panels with architectural elements, then panels with floating maenads and satyrs. 

Photo by Tatiana Warscher. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.

See Niccolini F, 1854. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Primo. Napoli. Tav. 6.

Courtesy of

From the tablinum (dining room) of House of the Dioscuri (VI 9, 6-7) in #Pompeii#MANNapoli#archaeology 🏺Ancientbluesky 📸 me

A naked young satyr with dark reddish-brown skin has his hands full of a pale nearly-naked maenad (female follower of Dionysus), her silken garment billowing around both of them. The background is a beautiful Egyptian blue.
A satyr and maenad float in a blue void, side by side. The satyr has his animal skin garment filled with fruits, and the maenad holds her thyrsus (magic staff) while her pale purple silken garment billows around them.

These four frescos were taken from the House of the Dioscuri in #Pompeii#BritishMuseum#MANNapoli#archaeology 🏺AncientBluesky 📸 me

The god Saturn holds his sickle and has pulled his white toga over his head, as always, in a veil (the MANN calls this a ‘winter cloak’ - but it seems to be a toga). Because Saturn was always shown veiled, his were the only worshippers that did *not* wear veils when sacrificing in his honor.

62-79 CE

House of the Dioscuri (VI 9, 6-7, atrium 37), Pompeii.

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN inv. 8837).
Fresco of an enthroned Zeus, torso bare and legs covered with imperial purple colored drapery; he cradles a golden lightning bolt in his right arm, and holds a silver scepter in his left. Victory (Nike) stands behind Zeus' throne, crowning him with a wreath of laurel leaves. Zeus' eagle (and the symbol of Rome) perches in front of the throne, looking up at the god; a globe (of the earth or the heavens?) is to the right of the throne.

Pompeii, House of the Dioscuri (VI, 9, 6-7, atrium 37)
62-79 CE

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples (MANN inv. 9551)
The goddess Ceres holds a wicker basket filled with wheat spears in her left hand, and a large golden torch (far taller than her) in her right. There are strings of beads and flowers in her hair, as she’s a goddess of fertility and plenty. She also has a nimbus around her head. Her clothing is complex, consisting of a long white chiton/tunic, with transparent veils on top (there also seems to be gold patterns on the ends of the veil, but they’re very faded), and a purple cloth hanging from the hand that holds the basket. She’s on a red background. 

62-79 CE, House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN inv. 9454)
This fresco from the Casa dei Dioscuri (or the House of Castor and Pollux) in Pompeii depicts Apollo strumming his kithara, a stringed instrument similar to the lyre. He’s heroically nude, save for his green chlamys (cloak). The kithara rests on a golden caryatid wearing a Greek peplos, perhaps representing one of the muses, as this type of Apollo is also known as Apollo Musagetes, or ‘Apollo, Leader of the Muses’. 

From Pompeii (Casa dei Dioscuri)
1st century CE, before 79 CE

British Museum (1857,0415.1)