Guy who is so politically miserable that he negatively polarizes himself against the concept of looking at birds

Headline: “Major bird migration 'pulse' coming to NYC - much to the excitement of bird watchers”
Comment: “If ever there were a liberal hobby...”

I think it was This American Life that interviewed folks in migration working under Obama, Trump, then Biden. They were stunned and disappointed to see the shift on helping migrants. It’s no longer a party issue—both are content to turn a blind eye. 😓


Educational comparative #twoforone Fall migration can lead to a headache in Cooper’s and Sharped-shinned hawks ID Birding size is a comparison game knowing fully that male COHA and female SSHA overlap in size This is a good interspecies comparison for an early tip “SSHA are Kestrel sized COHAs”📷🪶

Photo of American Kestrel and Sharp shinned hawk interacting in the sky

Starmer is boxing himself in over Europe – this decision is really about one man and his approval ratings taking precedence over a generation The PM seems to think embracing youth mobility would make him look soft on migration. Perhaps he should grow a backbone.

Starmer is boxing himself in over Europe – and putting approval ratings above young people’s futures | Zoe Williams
Starmer is boxing himself in over Europe – and putting approval ratings above young people’s futures | Zoe Williams

The PM seems to think embracing youth mobility would make him look soft on migration. Perhaps he should grow a backbone, says Guardian columnist Zoe Williams


Ich bin sicher, die etablierten Volksparteien in Deutschland, für die es ja schon seit Wochen kein wichtigeres Thema als Migration gibt, werden schon Möglichkeiten finden, wie sie dieses Gerichtsurteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs ignorieren und umgehen können.

EuGH zu afghanischen Frauen: Europa darf die Augen nicht verschließen
EuGH zu afghanischen Frauen: Europa darf die Augen nicht verschließen

Der EU hat entschieden, dass afghanische Frauen jetzt ein Recht auf Asyl ohne Einzelfallprüfung haben. Das ist mutig, findet Gigi Deppe - gerade in Zeiten, in denen Parteien Zulauf haben, die Migratio...


That's my old city council member! ❤️ >U.S. Rep. Greg Casar leads proposal for more collaboration with Latin America on forced migration | TPR


The good news about the great Brazilian migration to Bluesky: I'm seeing a lot more WNBA content here! The bad news for me: I don't speak Portuguese.


Farage in fiery clash with Susanna Reid over migration, riots