#MVSA2024 continues with Kate Nesbit’s discussion of bell pulls and class anxiety in gothic fiction, drawing initially on Eliot’s “Lifted Veil.”

A woman stands at a podium {lectern} on the right of the frame. Slide projection shows a title page and text.

Kathleen McGowan kicks off #MVSA2024 panel 2B with a discussion of Girton College music societies.


#MVSA2024 - Alyssa Johnson leads off panel 1C discussing Marryat’s 1897 _The Blood of the Vampire_: Harriet’s vampirism is “entangled with race”. Despite her own ambivalence, Harriet “drains energy” from others as a form of inherited parental sin.


After technical difficulties, Athria Mohan shares with us the importance of chromolithography revolutionized #C19#MVSA2024 team for troubleshooting such that Mohan could share her scholarship with us!

Slide showing chromolithographic rendering infographic.

#MVSA2024 - fascinated to learn about the travels of Ida Pfeiffer in Kristine Swenson’s plenary roundtable talk.

Woman stands at podium in lower left foreground. Projection screen in center shows map of world travels.

The Some fabulous papers on offer; is it April yet‽ My to-do list also now includes finding a new pair of dancing shoes for the Saturday night Victorian dancing event. {My old pair disappeared pre-pandemic and, well, I've been distracted.}