5/11 #Stolpersteine#Zeitz: Siegfried Mendelsohn.

Vor Messinghintergrund der Text:

Jg. 1892
 deportiert 1942
ermordet 27.9.1942

I tillegg kommer andre drapsinstitusjoner som Treblinka, Majdanek og Sobibór. Og altså Auschwitz, bortsett fra at Auschwitz også var en arbeidsleir, med mulighet for å overleve noen dager, uker eller måneder. 4/


i Hans Franks ’Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete’: Belzec, Treblinka, Majdanek og Sobibór. Dette var ikke leirer siden ingen bodde der, alle som ankom i kuvogntransportene ble sendt inn i gasskamrrene. Belzec var i drift fra mars 1942 og ble avviklet i desember samme år. 2/


❗ Das Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager Lublin-Majdanek war das erste Konzentrationslager im deutsch besetzten Polen. Schätzungen zufolge wurden 80.000 Menschen dort ermordet. Im Herbst 1944 wurde es als erste NS-Gedenkstätte eröffnet.

Schrift: 1944 Konzentrationslager Majdanek wird zu erster NS-Gedenkstätte.

Familie nach Majdanek deportiert werden sollten, ging er in den Untergrund und in die Illegalität. Er half mit Hilfe anderer Helfer jüdischen Mitbürgern durch von ihm gefälschte Pässe zur Ausreise. Sein Vorgehen war dermaßen, dass er von verloren gegangenen Pässen das Passbild


Osubska-Morawski took us in a jeep to the hearing room. On the dais were members of the joint Soviet-Polish commission, including Father Krusinski, a Roman Catholic priest. The first of the German witnesses on the stand was followed by a tall, grisly character named Staub who had been a trusty at Majdanek. One day, he testified, he saw a truckful of prisoners arrive. They were etold to undress. One Polish girl, 28 or 29 years old, refused. Mussfeld, one of the camp's Oberführer, began to beat her. She scratched him, yelling, "Why am I to die?" Enraged, Mussfeld roared, "I shall burn you alive!" He called two assistants. They grabbed the girl and bound her hands and legs. She was carried to the crematorium, where they put her on one of the iron stretchers and slid her into an oven. Staub recalled calmly, "There was one loud scream. Her hair flared up in the flames momentarily. Then I could see no more."

From "Life's Reports: Sunday in Poland" by Richard Lauterbach, September 18, 1944.

The hours we spent inspecting Majdanek were pretty grim. It wasn't the gas chambers where victims were snuffed out standing up, or the crematorium where they were chopped up and then burned in specially constructed ovens. This part of the "death factory" didn't get us, somehow. Too machinelike. It wasn't even the open graves or the skeletons or skulls or stacks of fertilizer made from human ashes, bones and manure. The full emotional shock came at a giant wooden warehouse chock-full of people's shoes--more than 800,000 pairs--all sizes, shapes, colors and styles.

In one place the shoes had burst out of the building like corn from a crammed crib. It was monstrous. There is something about an old shoe as personal as a snapshot or a letter. I looked at them and saw personalities: skinny kids in soft, white, worn slippers; thin-lipped old ladies in black, high-laced shoes; sturdy soldiers in brown military boots.

"Theodore Schölen, a Nazi party member, said, 'At first sight of the [Majdanek concentration camp] crematorium I was ashamed.' Then he added, 'Then I got accustomed to it.'" Life Magazine, September 18, 1944


15 September 1929 | Polish Jewish woman Halina Birenbaum was born in Warsaw. She survived the Warsaw ghetto, Majdanek, Auschwitz (no. 48693), Ravensbrück & Neustadt-Glewe camps. In 1947, she emigrated to Israel. A poet & writer. Today she turns 95. Read "There is my soul".

Black and white portrait of a woman, featuring a young individual with shoulder-length hair, wearing a collared blouse.
Photo of Halina Birenbaum talking to a group
A poem titled "There is my Soul" by Halina Birenbaum, reflecting on the author’s experiences and memories of Auschwitz, with themes of death, memory, and the significance of place. The text includes evocative imagery and a poignant emphasis on personal history and resilience.

De vergeten gruwel van Majdanek: Een lezing over concentratiekampen in Blankenberge