Hier ist die Erklärung der Staatsanwaltschaft von Manhattan @ManhattanDA: „Eine Jury aus 12 New Yorkern hat Donald Trump schnell und einstimmig in 34 Anklagepunkten verurteilt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft von Manhattan ist bereit für die Verurteilung zu dem vom Gericht festgelegten neuen Termin.“ 16/16


@frankrunyeon X NEW: Trump immunity motion to vacate NY conviction: "Because of the implications for the institution of the Presidency, the use of official-acts evidence was a structural error under the federal Constitution that tainted @ManhattanDA grand jury proceedings as well as the trial."


@frankrunyeon X New: Trump sentencing likely delayed. @ManhattanDA does not oppose adjourning at least two weeks.


🧵 There's a fucked up pattern (and non-Black anti-Zionists aren't excused from this either, but I'll address that later) of non-Black Zionists using the oppression of Black people historically as a measuring tool when they want to add weight to their argument. Even when trashing Black Anti-Zionists.

A Brianna Wu (I'm sorry) tweet where they quote a tweet by "StopAntisemitism". The quoted reads "NYC - 'Free Palestine' radicals destroy the home of a Jew. This movement is nothing short of being the modern day KKK and must be treated a such @ManhattanDA." Brianna Wu's tweet reads: "My position on Gaza is nuanced. My position on what's happening to Jews at home is not. This is no different than the KKK setting fire to crosses in Black people's yards in my home state of Mississippi. Decent people need to unequivocally denounce this."
The quoted tweet is by Aviva Klompas, reading "The mindless mob on an NYC subway car: 'Raise your hands if you're a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.' That's an explicit threat @NYPDnews @NYCMayor" and features a video. Michael Rapaport quotes this tweet, saying "Imagine 'Raise your hand if you're GAY ...this is your chance to get out' or 'Any black people on this train, this is your chance to get out' Or Anything besides Zionist."
jewbelong posts a graphic that says "The KKK wears masks too."
In the screenshot, Briahna Joy Gray quote tweets a tweet by Jeremy Loffredo. Jeremy Loffrado's tweet features a video, and reads "A young boy from Al-Nuseirat explains that the soldiers who raided his family home, extinguished a cigarette on his neck and killed his 12 year old brother were not Israeli military. 'They were American Special Forces. Those who attacked us in our home were not Israeli forces..." and then the show more button cuts the tweet off. Briahna Joy Gray quotes this tweet and says "This child says American soldiers examined his genitals, shot his 12 year old brother, let him bleed to death on a mattress, and put out a cigarette on his neck. 'Biden's army.'" Drew Pavlou posts a screenshot of the above and says "Anti-Zionist QAnon."

@frankrunyeon X New: @ManhattanDA says Trump's gag order should remain in effect "at least through the sentencing hearing" and post-trial motions. DA disputes the idea that shielding trial proceedings was the court's only rationale.


fake tiktok from @ManhattanDA (the twitter handle of DA Alvin Bragg) showing a picture of Donald Trump with the caption "this man was convicted of 34 felonies in one day"

@SkyNews: Following the guilty verdicts of Donald Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (@ManhattanDA) praises his team for prosecuting a 'defendant unlike any other in American history'. Live updates ➡️