In the animated movie Peach became ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom when she came of age, but who was ruler before then? The live action movie, Nintendo Comics System, & original SMB manual all had a Mushroom King, but did this MK have one? #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2

The King, Daisy's father, as seen near the end of the 1993 live-action Super Mario Bros. movie.
The Mushroom King, Princess (Peach) Toadstool's father, gets a passing mention in the manual for Super Mario Bros.

Day 14 of potential deep lore and characters they could add to the Mario movie sequel: The Mushroom King! #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2


This isn't a deep cut this time, but really, why wasn't Lakitu in the first Mario movie? Spinies were there (for Bowser to mock that he doesn't know who/what they are), but not Lakitu. They seem like a fairly iconic enemy not to use. #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2

Two Spinies seen in The Super Mario Bros. Movie (right before Bowser says he doesn't know what they are).

Day 13 of potential (not so) deep lore and characters they could add to the Mario movie sequel: Lakitu! #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2


The Goombas didn't get much screentime at all in the first movie, which was a little disappointing. I hope if they do get a focus in the next movie, there's a line about how they used to live in the MK before defecting to Bowser. #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2

A group of Goombas seen in The Super Mario Bros. Movie.

Day 12 of potential deep lore and characters they could add to the Mario movie sequel: The Goombas were Mushroom Kingdom traitors! #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2


It's a given that Yoshi is going to be in the next Mario movie, and maybe Yoshi's Island will be there, but what about the rest of Dinosaur Land? Everything that isn't Yoshi's Island seems to have been forgotten since Super Mario World. #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2

A labeled map of Dinosaur Land, as seen through a fold-out flyer that came with Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.

Day 11 of potential deep lore and characters they could add to the Mario movie sequel: Dinosaur Land! #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2


Day 10 of potential deep lore and characters they could add to the Mario movie sequel: Geno! #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2


Yes, I'm one of those guys who stubbornly refutes Miyamoto saying the Koopalings are no longer Bowser's kids. Besides, the Mario Bros. are from Brooklyn in the movie despite evidence they're not in the games, so they can do that here. #MarioMovie#MarioMovieSequel#MarioMovie2

Game Informer asking Shigeru Miyamoto about the Koopalings and Bowser Jr.