@japantimes: Britain announced Thursday that it would transfer sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius in what has been dubbed a "historic" deal — but many Chagossians living in Britain are angry at not being given a say in the islands' fate.


In this case UK isn’t “giving back” the islands to the Chagossians, rather unilaterally transferring them to another third party, Mauritius. Are you hinting Gaby the UK will transfer the Parthenon Marbles to Turkey and disintermediate the Greeks?


@TheEconomist: This week the British government announced a preliminary deal to cede sovereignty of the islands to Mauritius. The deal is good for Mauritius, and soothes a diplomatic irritant for Britain. But it doesn’t much help the Chagossians themselves 👇


Interesting isn't it how it was somehow okay for the islands to be governed from and as part of the Crown Colony of Mauritius but it's not okay for them to be governed from and as part of the Republic of Mauritius?


'Vor dem Sturm' #FotoVorschlag#Mauritius

Eine Holzkirche mit rotem Dach steht direkt am Strand. Das Meer ist türkis, links und rechts der Kirche stehen Bäume. Ich kann Palmen erkennen. Im Hintergrund der blaue Himmel aus dem eine riesige weiße Gewitterwolke emporsteigen.

Now that the UK has agreed to return the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, the sun will finally set on the British Empire for the first time in centuries.


Just seen a clip of Boris Johnson saying giving Chagos Islands back to Mauritius is ridiculous because they're nowhere near Mauritius. Mate, get your own atlas out and have another look: they ain't exactly next door to the British Isles either.


Raymonde Desiree was 25 when she was forced to leave her native Chagos Islands as Britain emptied the Indian Ocean archipelago of its inhabitants to make way for a strategic military base.

A group of four women, of African descent, is gathered in a sunny park setting. Two women are seated on a wooden bench, while two others stand nearby, engaged in conversation. 

The first seated woman on the left is wearing a white jacket, and has her arm resting on the back of the bench. Next to her, another woman is dressed in a navy coat and is holding a brown bag. The third woman, standing, is in a bright red coat with a matching handbag, and appears to be speaking animatedly. She has curly hair and is looking towards the fourth woman. 

The fourth woman, who also stands, is dressed in a black and white patterned sweater, black pants, and has her hair tied back. She appears to be listening attentively. The background features green grass, trees, and a modern building, suggesting a vibrant community space. The atmosphere is friendly and lively, indicative of a social gathering.
A map illustrating the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean, highlighting the geopolitical context surrounding their sovereignty. The left side of the image shows the location of the Chagos Islands in relation to neighboring regions, including Mauritius, Madagascar, and the Seychelles. An area labeled "Chagos Islands" is marked inside a dotted square, with a scale indicating a distance of 500 kilometers. 

On the right side of the map, a more detailed view of the Chagos Islands features names of specific atolls and islands, including Peros Banhos Atoll, Salomon Islands, Egmont Islands, and Diego Garcia, which is identified as the site of a UK-US military base. This section includes a scale of 25 kilometers for better geographic reference. The entire map is set against a blue background, with labels in white font. The map emphasizes the strategic significance of the islands and the ongoing military presence despite changes in sovereignty.

- Entschädigungen und Hilfen sind Teil des neuen Vertrags zwischen Grossbritannien und Mauritius. - Einige konservative Politiker kritisieren die Chagos-Vereinbarung.