🎼 ... das absolute Ausnahmetalent auf dem #Cello#Melkonian, ... 5/X


🎼 Morgen findet in #Düsseldorf#Konzert#Menschlichkeit#Tonhalle#Ukraine müssen sich also beeilen, um noch ein oder zwei der begehrten Plätze zu ergattern. Aber es lohnt sich! Versprochen! 🧵

Titelseite der Homepage "" zum gleichnamigen Konzert am 1. Oktober 2024 in der Tonhalle Düsseldorf. Im Hintergrund eine Aufnahme der ausverkauften Tonhalle, im oberen Drittel, über dem Titel "KONZERT FÜR MENSCHLICHKEIT" kleine, runde Porträtfotos der Solist*innen Rolando Villazón, Daniel Hope, Albrecht Mayer, Charlotte Melkonian, Daniel Müller-Schott sowie des Dirigenten Stephan Frucht.

Am 1. Oktober spielen wir unter Leitung von Stefan Frucht und begleitet von Weltstars wie Rolando Villazón, Daniel Hope, Albert Mayer, Charlotte Melkonian und Daniel Müller-Schott das Benefiz-„Konzert für Menschlichkeit“ in der Tonhalle Düsseldorf ... 1/X


I find this last sentence chilling. It appears that Cajon Valley’s school board believes the district has no queer children. Or perhaps, no “genuinely” queer children. Or if it does, that it does not “serve” them.

SDUT headline screenshot that says “State warns district over sex ed changes” followed by the subheading “Cajon Valley scrubs curriculum of LGBTQ+ and gender topics in apparent violation of law”
Quote from the creator of the new curriculum that says “”The idea here when we're developing this curriculum is that we're not replacing parental instruction, we're not replacing cultural values or expectations about sexual relationships and behavior," Melkonian said at the March meeting. "There's a lot of programs ...out there on the market, but they're not designed with the needs of the community first. This was driven by your parents and by your staff to create something that's really appropriate and acceptable for this group, this community and for the kids that we're serving."”

I mean wasn't that literally Monte Melkonian, California kid?


Five Hard Truths About an Appellate Practice, with Raffi Melkonian on The California Appellate Law Podcast. Tune In:


I got sent this by who was marvels in the majesty of, yep, you really can submit any bullshit you want. It's your money you're wasting. But the court then gets to sort through it. Me...this is in EMP! DRINK!!! territory.

Raffi Melkonian tweets: So I guess you just can write whatever you want in federal pleadings

From the 5th Circuit pleading: "Before Dennis, Elrod, and Wilson, Circuit Judges PER CURIAM: PLaintiffs-Appellants are eighteen individuals and an organization, Target Justice, Inc. The Plaintiffs alleged the governement illegally targeted, surveilled, and injured them with direct energy weapons and voice-to-skull technology."

The Stoned Age (1994) dir. James Melkonian:


Or as Rafi Melkonian suggests "Deny cert and be legends!"


2.5 Prepare Legal Research Abozzo for Attorney Melkonian