That was totally my reaction to this story, it's like, well, I guess that's the end of that whole cycle of #BLM#MeToo era as well (if it isn't already buried).


Esse tal alinhamento com a ONG Metoo para "traçar estratégia" de acusação (?), o recolhimento quando tinha que fazer valer seu papel como Ministra, uma entrevista para a Veja agora, são atitudes que revelam bem que essa moça ou não tem noção do que é ser Ministra ou sabe bem o que está querendo.


Additional: Warren Kinsella was also in the loop WK tries to tie in accusations made of Patrick Brown as a #metoo theme Brown was found to be framed and sued the crap out of CTV but, Doug Ford was made ONPC Leader Debbie Jodoin and Poilievre did another setup of Brown re the CPC leadership race

Trudeau denies ‘negative interaction’ after old B.C. editorial alleging misbehaviour goes viral
Prime minister reponds to allegations from a Creston Valley Advance editorial printed 18 years ago
Laura Baziuk
Jun 8, 2018

The first tale goes back six months.
In January, in the same week that CTV News unleashed its extraordinary story about former Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown, a regular reader – one who had asked me to speak at a #MeToo rally in Edmonton – tweeted at me. What she tweeted is seen below.
I retweeted what she said. Within hours, hundreds of others retweeted or liked it, as well. It went viral.
The next day, as revelations about Patrick Brown‎ were still landing – and revelations about the just-dumped Nova Scotia PC leader, as well – Kent Hehr abruptly cancelled a funding announcement in Toronto. Shortly afterwards, Hehr was no longer in cabinet.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau kept him in caucus, however.  Which was odd, given that he had kicked out other Liberal MPs for similar offences.  An ostensibly arms-length investigation commenced into the various allegations against Hehr.
This week,

This week, that investigation – whose report the Prime Minister is keeping secret – concluded. Kent Hehr would not be returning to cabinet. Last night, however, Hehr started doing the media circuit, insisting that his actions were “clearly not” misconduct. But his pitiful rationalizations didn’t matter: he was out of cabinet, for good. My friend Kristin Raworth – because she has become a friend, and I am frankly in awe of her courage and strength – had been vindicated.
So that’s one #MeToo tale. Here’s the other one.
The second one landed last night. I was rushing to band practice and saw something had appeared in my inbox. It was a newspaper clipping, from the Creston Valley Advance in B.C. An editorial, dated August 14, 2000.
The most important part is seen below, beside Kristin Raworth's tweet.
Justin Trudeau “handled” a female reporter, and had apologized. He wouldn’t have done it “if I had known you we

When you read the timeline it's more than obvious this is a shakedown. If she had evidence why wait 5 years when the MeToo movement was happening right then? It smells rotten to the core.


#MeToo 🥰


a indústria musical, a cultura do estupro e o MeToo seletivo.