If you're an artist past a certain follower threshold, you're gonna have regulars who keep the lights on regardless of whether you're on Twitter. But yeah I have legit no skin in the metrics game, I've just been complacent.


and i feel so heavily this is - traditionally pretty according to what metrics? why would she need to be? what performative value is there in being any specific "thing" other than "my cool character i enjoy and created to play with, she's amazing" because she is amazing. full stop. no metric needed


I have two metrics for when to sell 1. Would I be annoyed if I lose the gains (emotional) 2. Is there a better opportunity for the money than keeping it where it is (Rational) Usually a sell these days is to move funds into something judged less of a risk. Part of a winding down strategy.


I hate opening nytimes links now but if they’re doing actual reporting I’m thrilled to bump their metrics for that


Also sorry am I missing something here or is he reducing the state of the economy to GDP? There are… additional relevant metrics?


I think it’s just a bad metric and you shouldn’t apply metrics to determine good or bad art. Art that should exist or art that should be not. I think it’s kind of a fashy drive.


Important read: “In sum, the results support the double standard hypothesis and provide evidence that different outcomes in P&T decision-making processes contribute to the sustained underrepresentation of URM faculty in tenured faculty positions.”

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Underrepresented minority faculty in the USA face a double standard in promotion and tenure decisions
Theodore Masters-Waage, Christiane
Spitzmueller, ... Juan Madera M
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Nature Human Behaviour (2024) | Cite this article
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Underrepresented minority (URM) faculty face challenges in many domains of academia, from university admissions to grant applications. We examine whether this
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Underrepresented minority (URM) faculty face challenges in many domains of academia, from university admissions to grant applications. We examine whether this translates to promotion and tenure (P&T) decisions. Data from five US universities on 1,571 faculty members' P&T decisions show that URM faculty received 7% more negative votes and were 44% less likely to receive unanimous votes from P&T committees. A double standard in how scholarly productivity is rewarded is also observed, with below-average h-indexes being judged more harshly for URM faculty than for non-URM faculty. This relationship is amplified for faculty with intersectional backgrounds, especially URM women. The differential treatment of URM women was mitigated…
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especially URM women. The differential treatment of URM women was mitigated when external reviewers highlighted candidates' scholarship more in their review
letters. In sum, the results support the double standard hypothesis and provide evidence that different outcomes in P&T
decision-making processes contribute to the sustained underrepresentation of URM faculty in tenured faculty positions.

Anyone get into a TikTok shadowban but grow out of it? It’s just getting worse. Idk. If you see this can you help like and share my stuff over there?

Screencap of my TikTok metrics. Showing my vids getting hundreds of views a few weeks ago but just dozens now.

Second, let's say we find some variation to explore. We're going to explore different replicability metrics we can calculate on this data. Or we're going to compare this study to similar published studies. Then exploration would need to be systematic and reported transparently in its totality. 6/n


Yea I am sympathetic to that, my feelings a. Other metrics of evaluation often terrible (admin drops in 5 mins w no context follow up etc) and b. If you took list of schools doing poorly on tests and said “here are the schools that need the most support/funding/etc” it wouldn’t be a terrible list!