Room for debate: Asylum-seekers in Israel have enlisted in the IDF. Are they being coerced into military service to obtain refugee status? Or are they voluntarily integrating into Israeli society? Should this be allowed?

Israeli military recruits African asylum-seekers for war in Gaza
Israeli military recruits African asylum-seekers for war in Gaza

The Israeli military has reportedly been recruiting African asylum-seekers to support its war efforts in Gaza, offering promises of permanent residency in return. But refugee advocacy groups say they…


Derogation! Germany is temporarily imposing controls at all land borders—thereby departing from EU free movement rules—to try to curb irregular migration. German officials are citing concerns about migrant violence and refoulement.

Video. Germany announces temporary border checks at all land borders
Video. Germany announces temporary border checks at all land borders

Video. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser says Germany will set up temporary controls at all of its land borders in an attempt to curb irregular migration, expanding checks it already has in place at some...


The EU convinced Niger to criminalize migrant-smuggling in 2015. Peter Tinti argues that many criminals shifted to illegal gold mining while others continued smuggling under more dangerous conditions.


Welcome to Laukkai, the Myanmar home of Chinese cyber-scam operations run by human trafficking victims. Emily Fishbein and Nu Nu Lusan tell how the Chinese military helped migrants escape Laukkai.

Under siege in Myanmar’s cyber-scam capital
Under siege in Myanmar’s cyber-scam capital

How a resistance offensive upended a Myanmar cyber-scamming hub


What is driving migration at the US—Mexico border? Will Freeman, Steven Holmes, and Sabine Baumgartner combine background analysis with stunning photography.

Why Six Countries Account for Most Migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Why Six Countries Account for Most Migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border


Sudanese refugee camps in Ethiopia are being attacked by militias and bandits, who know that the camps have food, supplies, and women. The attacks have led to theft, rape, beatings, and kidnapping for ransom.

Sudanese refugees hiding in Ethiopian forest to escape bandits and militias
Sudanese refugees hiding in Ethiopian forest to escape bandits and militias

Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia ask to be evacuated from the country after facing repeated attacks from local militias.


Can ECOWAS be saved? Negotiations are ongoing to revive the trade, migration, and security agreement threatened by the recent exit of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger following coups and threats of intervention.

ECOWAS mandates Faye to discuss with Burkina, Mali and Niger
ECOWAS mandates Faye to discuss with Burkina, Mali and Niger

The three countries affected by the coup had already declared at their summit the day before that they had "irrevocably turned their backs on ...