Die rechte Lüge von der 'Migrationswaffe' und der 'Flut' von Einwanderer:innen, die die Institutionen einer Gesellschaft destabilisieren, ist übrigens nicht neu, in den USA im 19ten Jh. gehörte genau diese Rhetorik dazu, um auch gegen deutschsprachige Einwanderer:innen Stimmung zu machen 1/2

Aus Lyman Beechers "Plea for the West", 1835: "paying of the passage and emptying out upon our shores such floods of pauper emigrants — the contents of the poor house and the sweepings of the streets? — multiplying tumults and violence, filling our prisons, and crowding our poor houses, and quadrupling our taxation, and sending annually accumulating thousands to the polls to lay their inexperienced hand upon the helm of our power? Does Metternich imagine that there is no party spirit in our land, whose feverish urgency would facilitate their naturalization and hasten them to the ballot box? — and no demagogues, who for a little brief authority, however gained, would sell their country to an everlasting bondage? A foreign influence acting efficaciously on the councils of a republic, has always been regarded and always proved itself to be among the most fatal to liberty."