Also for Americans to condemn other peoples for being racist and oppressive toward minority groups is both weird and grade A Hutzpa


I'm likely in the minority on this, but when I hear someone promote their 500 page novel and it's the first in a quadrilogy, that's a big turn off for me. Writing is an investment of my time, and unless it really stands out from the crowd, there's a good chance I'm not gonna take that investment.


Anything to avoid the obvious conclusion that you’re in the unpopular minority and supporting a fucking nut job for a candidate.


I’m not sure if I was surprised because it was so low or because it was so high. It’s the first time I’m aware of heterosexuality being a minority in a group! It does talk a little about how heterosexual folk might feel othered or stigmatised, but I didn’t dig into that yet. Wild!


Malicious Mike Johnson says that voting integrity is on the minds of voters he talks to. Of course, he neglected to explain that "voting integrity" translates to "doing everything we can to keep Black/minority people from voting."


This was widely circulated in 2019. Perhaps it unfairly singles out Trump for the entirety of the climate change denial industry. But at the time, he was the most powerful mouthpiece for the small minority of folks who express this false belief. (Image manipulation was used.)

Photo appearing to depict Donald Trump standing chest-deep in floodwaters, holding a sign that says, "BUT HER EMAILS"

fat people also often feel an absolutely overwhelming amount of minority stress, which is the ambient pressure of being discriminated against and facing bias. especially since fat people get most of it from family, romantic partners, and close friends. WHICH CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN


There are some EPL teams I can enjoy watching despite not supporting them because they tend to play good football. Am I in the minority because of this -- as it can seem that football supporting can seem so super partisan?