Sorry for all the vintage photos tonight. I almost left this album behind. I found it Sunday in my last pass through the house. This here is a poor-quality print of one of my Dad’s better-known photos of me. He was a senior in college who had been a pro photographer in the army. We have many photos.

Little Chuck E., circa 1959, playing in the backyard of my grandma’s house. We lived with my grandparents while my dad finished college. Mom was already a teacher at the same college.

I am crawling on all fours, a huge smile on my face, and I am wearing a white sun hat. A plastic ball is in front of Kevin but I’m clearly responding to my dad’s encouragement to smile for Mommy or Grandmommy, or for whomever.

i have to pay her and plum back so here's to hoping nothing goes wrong, i really couldn't handle if mom lost all that money


i honestly had already given up so the fact that October might get paid is honestly surprising to me. I can't really understate how much my mom really didnt have those funds but she really didnt want me to have to retake this semester


may nap for another two hours before I start but i need to make a ko-fi post. My mom, bless her soul, is paying for my school this month despite the fact the conversion rate means its over $4000 for her


Elastic mom about to get stretched #koikatsu


"Mom..." He murmured, looking upset. His mom, friends, work, they would all probably be looking for him. Izuku didn't want to risk the werewolf being found though. The green hair was deep in thought.


using his fingers to keep track. "I'm 24 in your solar cycles." Izuku paused in his eating to stare at the being in front of him. Now that it was light out the blonde did look around his age. He was 19. He worked at the local grocery store. It didn't pay well and he still lived with his mom.


Horny on main [for supporting local mom and pop businesses and preserving our small town's historic charm]