all of these things have a rational explanation, to be sure. which is why i don't build a full belief system around it. but it does make me feel more comfortable with my own mortality.


In all honesty, I see the production rates of mangaka along with their high mortality at a young age rate and I....really just want all authors and comic makers to take as much time as they need and preserve their health. I know the industry doesn't allow for it but it really damn well should.


ABS - Provisional Mortality Statistics: 30/09/24 🔸There were 667 deaths due to COVID-19 in June 2024, the highest number since 753 deaths in January 2023. Deaths registered by 31 August 2024: 🔹2024 - COVID-19: 2,943 🔹2024 - Influenza: 528 🔹2024 - RSV: 85 Source:


Not to detract from your important point, but I'm actually surprised how good those numbers are. If you had asked me to make a wild guess at mother mortality rate during birth in 1800s, I might have said 5%. Maybe I was biased from how often it happens during books/movies/etc; it's almost a trope.


Yes. Trump projects this idea that he will live forever (because he can’t grapple with his own mortality), but if anything disrupts that, people will realize that Vance will be President. It won’t go well from there.


At this fateful stage of the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, with illness and mortality steadily increasing, and no hope of necessary safety measures ever being enforced, the only matter still open to debate is the question of how long it will take for Covid-19 to conquer us.


i'm 40 and trying to come to terms with my own mortality. does this mean i should start applying for PhD programs??????


Vicki and I saw Kris Kristofferson do a solo show at the Ryman in 2014, when he was touring for his record "Feeling Mortal." It was an amazing show, and he was grappling with old age and mortality with humility and grace. I'm glad he got 10 more years, and wishing peace to all who loved him.


I have a thing for immortal characters and Andromache of Scythia (Andi) in The Old Guard really scratches that itch. She has such a weariness about her, from carrying the weight of so many lifetimes. The whole movie is a really interesting exploration of mortality and immortality.

Andi, with short hair and dirt on her face, wearing modern combat armour but also wielding a double-bladed battle axe.