Paws in concrete and moss #photography#mosstodon


Delightful Sunday in the forest around Bingen. Everything is looking so green after the wet week last week, and the mushrooms are appearing! I managed to find a bunch that will make you crook, it's a skill 🙃. #MushroomMonday#mosstodon#mainz

A series of four photos of mushrooms, some large brown, some small brown, and one red. There is a caption on the photo that says "apparently I have a knack for finding mushrooms that will make you were dead (but not actually kill you)"

Fungi of Finland. Photographed on September 6. #MushroomMonday#fungiverse#mosstodon#LichenSubscribe

The red cap of some type of mushroom poking up from moss and pine needles and some bits of grass. Some green leaves in front, which look a bit like the leaves of wild strawberries.
Moss and lichen and pine needles and in the centre a smallish mushroom with a brown wide cap and a pine needle on top.

Pilz im Moos und am Baum. #mosstodon#fungiverse

Ein winziger weißer Pilz mit flacher runder leicht gerillter Kappe im grünen Moos.
Auf einem liegenden Baumstamm, der oben mit Moos bedeckt ist, wachsen weiße, tellerartige Baumpilze.

Taking a little walk in the little forest. #photography#Mosstodon#nature

A close-up of small (what I believe are) sedum plants, mostly green but some with a reddish tint. One plant is peaking out from the rest. Sunlit trees or bushes can be seen in the background.

Bluesky のユーザー数は現在 1,000 万人を超えており、私は #1,917,868 番目でした。 🌾 未だ連携させてないけれど、Mastodonでのmosstodonタグや自然を見つめるコミュニティの流れな感じがこちらの良いスタートでした🦋 繋がってくれている方たちありがとう 新年に素敵な和菓子を取り寄せたことで自分の興味からフィードを開設したのですが思うところあって秋で削除します🍁 因みにきょうは月餅が並んでます🥮 皆さんの癒しのお茶の時間におじゃまさせてもらった気分で良かったです🍵