Tidying up the coin room I found these in a plastic shopping bag 😭 unaccessioned & untracked. Some of these replicas are of coins in the

Brown cardboard box labelled "Electrotypes & some fakes." To the right a small pile of manila envelopes and browning bits of paper with Greek, Celtic, Republican, and Imperial, as labels.
Four eletrotype Roman Republican bronze coin replicas in polyethylene bags arrayed in front of two grey archival boxes containing many more specimens.

Some days you feel like a cracked limestone head, fallen off a statue from the Hellenistic period (about 300-30 BCE), excavated from Frangissa, Cyprus in the 1880's, now in the storage rooms

Profile of a light beige limestone head of a man facing to the right, on a grey background. Many cracks radiate from eye and side of the face near the ear. ROM958.61.87

A model chariot team excavated from Tamassos-Frangissa, Cyprus in the collection

A frontal view of a model 4-horse chariot made of ceramic. The model is incomplete so only the 2 central horses are intact with forelock hair between their ears. ROM958.61.312
Side view of the same chariot group with horses heads in profile. One wheel of the 2-wheeled chariot and chariot driver. ROM958.61.312

Couldn't resist this pose with a limestone sculpture fragment from Cyprus in the collections

Buff beige limestone sculpture fragment of hand, with a grey nitrile-gloved hand hovering above it, palm facing downwards. Black background.

Happy Leap Year! Here's my pic of a frog-shaped oil lamp in the collections

Roughly almond-shaped pottery oil lamp, buff-beige colour, with a frog on the top, its arms holding each side of the nozzle where a lit wick would have burned. Black, sooty deposit surrounds the nozzle and all over the face and head of the frog located just above the nozzle.

Heads are ready to roll... out of @ROMtoronto storage for study! Excavated at Tamassos, Cyprus, they were originally part of full-length standing votive figures. 3D scanning tech may identify matches to other excavated fragments. #MuseumWork#Archaeology#Cyprus#sculpture

3 drawers of beige-buff coloured limestone heads arranged on a metro cart shelf. Each drawer holds about 12 heads the rough size of a baseball. Each head is hand carved and unique. Many of the heads wear

Battered & chipped but still Archaic smiling! A limestone fragment from a votive figurine excavated from Tamassos, Cyprus, Archaic period 550 BCE. Traces of red pigment on the central panel of the cap, lips & tunic. #Collections#MuseumWork#Cyprus#Smiles#Archaeology

A small, 11.3 × 7.3 × 5.4 cm, head from a human figure. Roughly oval, wearing a close-fitting, conical, hat. Face is chipped and battered on chin, cheeks, and is missing its nose. Oval eyes. The mouth, with closed lips, is smiling, in a typical "Archaic smile."

Inky paw print on a sherd from Thebes, Egypt, recording Maieuris paid their taxes at around 94 CE. I've flipped the image so the paw print is facing up & the text is inverted. My guess is this was a cat, it's a cat kinda thing to do no? But I'm not an expert. 6.5x6.4cm #MuseumWork#RomanEgypt#Cats