@MiddleEastEye: "Zionism is an existential threat to Muslims in America because it primarily relies on anti-Islamic tropes and exploits the levers of power to criminalise and silence support for Palestine" - Tom Facchine, American Imam


Here is a brand new article from me on August Bebel and Islam. If you want to read about a time when the German left viewed Muslims with more sympathetic eyes (albeit for not always impeccable reasons), you might find it of interest.


I don't care they were Jews or whatever. They took advantage of weaker local people to buy land under a colonial-settler plan. Of course Palestinian Jews are another story, they have the same legitimacy as Palestinian Christians, Muslims, Druzes and others to live in their own land.


◽Scrapped from Reddit: A tale of a Druze who fled Gaza with the help of the Israel Druze community. The first reply to him/her is that's a lie; there are only Muslims in Gaza. Now with the war, all minorities are locked there without assistance surrounded by terrorist supporters. That's HELL🔥.

I am druze who lived in gaza as well, my family was forced to pay protection and we were discriminated against, during the fatah al quasam conflicts my father was drug and killed...

Hey, vegans, vegetarians, & Muslims: I'm eatin' a pulled pork sandwich. Hey, Kosher Jews: it's got cheese on it. Hey people with Celiac's disease: this bread has gluten in it. Wow, I'm a fucking terrorist, aren't I?!


the pet thing is just saying out loud that their anti-immigrant attitudes were exactly as stupid and mean and racist as they were accused of when they were calling Mexicans rapists and Muslims terrorists What they mean is people not like them are “savages”


Muslims don’t recognize Jews as God's chosen people, Jews don’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah, Protestants don’t recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world, and Evangelicals don’t recognize each other at Hooters.


Why wait a month? The US is already killing thousands of brown people, mostly Muslims and Arabs or Palestinians, and that hasn't slowed them down even a little.