"The mission is a giant step forward in addressing greenhouse gas emissions.” – James Graf, director for Earth Science and Technology at JPL via @NASAJPL

First Greenhouse Gas Plumes Detected With NASA-Designed Instrument
First Greenhouse Gas Plumes Detected With NASA-Designed Instrument

The imaging spectrometer aboard the Carbon Mapper Coalition’s Tanager-1 satellite identified methane and carbon dioxide plumes in the United States and internationally.


The existence of a moon located outside our solar system has never been confirmed but a new NASA-led study may provide indirect evidence for one.


@NASAJPL @NASAKennedy @NASA_LSP How do you arrange to have a NASA launch party? You planet! 🚀🎉


@NASAJPL Next, the team plans to use Webb’s NIRSpec instrument to investigate the cloud’s chemical make-up. Understanding these baby stars, right before they have planet-forming disks, may help us better understand our own solar system’s origins.


@NASAJPL This area is part of the Serpens Nebula. Located 1,300 light-years from Earth, it’s only 1-2 million years old — very young in cosmic terms! It’s home to a dense cluster of newly forming stars (about 100,000 years old), seen at the center of this image.

A rectangular image with black vertical rectangles at the bottle left and top right to indicate missing data. A young star-forming region is filled with wispy orange, red, and blue layers of gas and dust. The upper left corner of the image is filled with mostly orange dust, and within that orange dust, there are several small red plumes of gas that extend from the top left to the bottom right, at the same angle. The center of the image is filled with mostly blue gas. At the center, there is one particularly bright star, that has an hourglass shadow above and below it. To the right of that is what looks a vertical eye-shaped crevice with a bright star at the center. The gas to the right of the crevice is a darker orange. Small points of light are sprinkled across the field, brightest sources in the field have extensive eight-pointed diffraction spikes that are characteristic of the Webb Telescope.

@NASAJPL Only Webb was able to bring this region into focus. Previously, the objects appeared as blobs or were invisible in optical wavelengths. Webb’s sensitive infrared vision was able to pierce through the thick dust, resolving the stars and their outflows.


Unboxing The Europa Clipper Astrobiology Spacecraft