Our NRA World: A Texas gunslinger drops his backpack in a convenience store causing a gun inside to discharge and strike another customer. It happens.Our NRA World: A Texas gunslinger drops his backpack in a convenience store causing a gun inside to discharge and strike another customer. It happens.

SAPD: Man shot after gun inside of backpack goes off
SAPD: Man shot after gun inside of backpack goes off

Police said a 31-year-old male victim sustained a gunshot wound to his upper left arm when another man dropped his backpack that reportedly had a gun inside.


If a different party said "the govt jackboots need a 24-hour, constitution-free purge day" it would fuel NRA fundraising for the next decade. They'd (probably rightfully) say this is exactly what the 2nd Amendment is designed to resist.


uma senhora estava comendo um bolo nra praça quando chega stalin....


Our NRA World: Road rage results in shots being fired on a Maryland interstate highway. Freedom!

Maryland State Police Seek Dashcam Footage in Road Rage Shooting
Maryland State Police Seek Dashcam Footage in Road Rage Shooting




A color portrait of disgraced U.S. Senator Larry Craig (ID-R), though at the time this clipart’s publication in 1994, Craig was known simply as a diehard conservative with impeccable NRA credentials. That changed in 2007, when Craig was arrested at the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport after soliciting a male undercover police officer for sex in a men’s restroom. By a weird twist of fate, Jack was also in the restroom at the time. He was embarrassed both by Craig’s hapless attempt at solicitation and by Craig’s laughable excuse as the police hauled him out the restroom. “I have a wide stance,” Craig told the police, “that’s all.” Jack cringed. It’s guys like Craig that give hot bathroom sex a bad name.

NAR, NRA, god help us protect our RNA!


The myth sets sheriffs up to be avatars of the far right, shifting sheriff's views on unrestricted firearm ownership, for example: 12/19

As I argue in the book, they also serve as avatars of the far right. Because they are elected, they're permitted to speak on political issues. Initially, sheriffs, like all law enforcement, did not support the civilian ownership of firearms. But over time the NRA and Gun Owners of America — which Mack was also part of — discovered that sheriffs were useful for the civilian gun ownership movement, because sheriffs are sort of the populist link between the people and the government. At this point, the vast majority of sheriffs support something like an unlimited Second Amendment. If you look at court filings by various sheriffs groups, they are consistently arguing that civilians should have more access to firearms, not less.  
That may strike you as an unusual position for sheriff associations to take, but this is a specific legal movement which argues that the position of sheriffs is that it's undemocratic to restrict access to firearms. So they're promoting this populist idea that ind