I'm reading about Peter Fraser on NZHistory and they mention he was 'addicted to attending funerals' what does this mean


Jean Batten, New Zealand's greatest aviator, pictured here probably 1934 with her black cat Buddy, who sometimes accompanied her on flights. She was the first person to fly from England to New Zealand, and the first woman to fly solo across the South Atlantic. Via NZHistory.

Jean Batten in her pilot's gear standing in front of her plane, holding a small black cat in one hand.

This National Party poster from 1938 plays on the fear that Labour had a secret agenda to nationalise private homes. Via NZHistory.

Text 'NEVER THIS!' and a woman's hand reaching for a house as a family watches and weeps. Preserve your home- your freedom. VOTE NATIONAL

Gannets roosting at Cape Kidnappers in 2005. Now protected, gannets shot by Joseph Banks were used by James Cook for his Christmas ’Goose pye’ in 1769. Apparently the Endeavour’s crew spent Boxing Day ‘nursing hangovers’, a tradition that has a long history in New Zealand. Via NZHistory.

gannets just chillin