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texts remain unpublished, while others have deteriorated significantly. Sadly, other important primary materials and studies of those materials have disappeared entirely. Modern specialists have found among Naville's papers a facsimile drawing of a fragment identified as the Hannover Papyrus. The Hanover fragment was drawn by Lepsius. The drawing is all that remains of this important papyrus; the original has either been lost or destroyed. We know that both Lepsius and Naville were meticulous artists by comparing their drawings to other original papyri they copied that still survive. Sadly, not all artifacts received such care, many being whisked away to the basements of museums or libraries to be forgotten, or to private collections and so lost to the public record.

From J. Daniel Gunther’s introduction to The Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth By Day, The Complete Papyrus of Ani

Somos Todos Bipolares - Natt Naville




Good review of The Man in the Red Coat by Julian Barnes For my niche of the world, Pozzi is best known as a collector of art, antiques and most of all ancient coins. Some of Pozzi's most beautiful coins below:

Eagle / crab Akragas Tetradrachm Ex Münchner Sammlung AO; ex Auktion Hess-Leu, Luzern 2.4.1958, 47; Lagerbestand bei Jacob Hirsch (New York) 1952 (ex de Ciccio); Ex Naville Ars Classica 14, Genf 1929, 81; Ex Naville 1 (Pozzi), Luzern 1921, 376
Apollo / swan drachm from Clazomenae, Ex Naville I, 1921, Pozzi, 2400; Ars Classica XVI, 1933, 1390 and Leu-M&M 28 May 1974, Kunstfreund, 219 sales
Syracuse dekadrachm engraved by Euainetos, Arethusa / Quadriga crowned by Victory, Hirsch VII (1902), 131 and collection Pozzi, Naville I (1921), 617
Arsinoe II dekadrachm, her veiled head / double cornucopia. Ex Prof. S. Pozzi Collection (Naville I, 14 March 1921), lot 3228.

Tein silleen kätevästi, että lähdin ajamaan kohti Tuusulaa, kun piti suunnata Klaukkalaan. Sitten vielä aloin raivoamaan naville, joka omasta mielestäni ehdotti reittivalintaa, jossa ei ollut mitään järkeä. Tajusin sitten, että ei hele, väärä suunta. No, näitä sattuu aina välillä.

1 My Fourth Hadrian Tetradrachm from the collection of Eric Ten Brink (the third from Giovanni Dattari from the 1890s); Dattari-Savio Plate Coin 64, 1323 ex. Naville 43 (2018) ex. Leu 36 (2023) purchased from Aegean 16 January 2024


Somos Todos Bipolares - Natt Naville