Mon., Sept. 30, 2024 Occupy Democrats @OccupyDemocrats The New York Times editorial board endorses Kamala Harris as “the only patriotic choice for president” because Donald Trump’s “first term was a warning” and he is “unworthy” of the office And they were just getting started…

NYT endorses Harris as 'the only choice'
NYT endorses Harris as 'the only choice'

The editorial board has not backed a Republican for president since Dwight Eisenhower in 1956.


Ur literally Neville Chamberlaining right now. “We need to keep supporting them or there will be a general war in the region!” They’re literally saying they’re going to occupy half of Lebanon.


Nations that want autonomy isn't the same as nations wanting to occupy though. Self determination is allowable providing it doesn't crap on others lives and freedoms.


Okay, good, someone said it. To add on the primary target of the Hezbollah rockets since October 8th has been Shebaa farms, a piece of land on the syria-lebanon border that both countries agree is Lebanon's, but Israel claims is Syria's and has used that as justification to occupy.


#queerwriters goals for the week: definitely to get this enormous fic finished up and posted, I’m nearly at 5k and it’s not done. Beyond that? Heck, I don’t know. I know there’s a book on my Libby holds that drops tomorrow, that’ll likely occupy my time. 🤷‍♂️


When the line at the coffee shop is going all the way out the door. 😂 Happy Monday, everybirdy! #birds

Five house finches occupy the perches at a tube feeder full of sunflower and safflower seeds as a sixth finch flies in to the top right perch. A seventh finch looks on from its perch on a hook at the top left of the feeder, hoping to get a turn soon.

If you decide to bomb everybody out of the territory you occupy and nobody with power oppose it. You do it, and simultaneously blow up the humanitarian and human rights law. But please, just don’t call this “defence”.

With Gaza in ruins and Lebanon under siege, what defence remains for Israel’s actions? | Nesrine Malik
With Gaza in ruins and Lebanon under siege, what defence remains for Israel’s actions? | Nesrine Malik

‘Existential threat’ is a thin excuse: the out-of-control force that is pushing the Middle East to the brink is Israel itself, says Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik


Do you mean they allowed an Occupy encampment? That would highlight the "Israel exception" even more -- it's not just that they disallow any left-wing protest.


This National Day For Truth and Reconciliation I invite you to reflect on your colonialist bias and the genocide of those Indigenous to the lands we now occupy. We’re a long way from it.


What fucks my nut in is that Lebanon maintains that Hezbollah isn't representative of the Lebanese state, BUT with Israel flattening its fucking capital city, they're still not bothering to mobilize are defence, or even prepare for the obvious fact that Israel plans to occupy Lebanon.