There’s an emerging consensus from people who know media law that this judge over-reached his authority in telling me what I “should” say (as well as what I must not say) as a condition of permission to publish about a private hearing. #openjustice


** Calling media lawyers- can a judge tell me (see below) what I “should” publish in reporting a hearing, as well as what I can’t report? #openjustice


Please, when it comes to the hearing, make sure to have the skeleton (redacted if necessary) suitable for giving to journalists/members of the public (paper and electronic). It's really hard to follow proceedings without this.

How not to do open justice in the Court of Appeal
How not to do open justice in the Court of Appeal

"There’s clearly a case for saying that skeleton arguments should normally be automatically available to observers in a public hearing and provided to us by counsel in a suitable format. "