The last day of Snaketember means it's the last opportunity to pump friends full of serpent sperm for another 11 months. Spunky bravely volunteered, and I'm keeping a tight coil on his arms to make sure not a single drop of snake cum gets wasted. How big can that belly go? 🎨:

Snakehab, a naga with Ahab's color palette, coiling his thick tail around Spunky, a raccoon, while his dual shafts both penetrate the raccoon's ass, resulting in a rapidly-inflating belly of cum.

Got a cute one the other day. "This race is being called the #1 flip opportunity in WA." True, by default. GOP holds only 2 House seats in WA, and in the other one our top-two primary llproduced a choice between two Republicans on the November ballot.


Thanks for the opportunity! I've been described as orange a few times. I would love to see you take on my Caribou variant. Art by @/


yeah what a great opportunity to practice the leftist principle of being pro-immigratio- oh you don't do that one? because chapo's not yelling about it? well that's a very nice anarchy A you've sharpied onto your work backpack


One of my favorite singers and songwriters, Steve Dawson, with his partner Diane Christiansen, performs a special show at Hogan House Thursday. I got the opportunity to preview this; among my favorite interviews:

Preview Feature: Steve Dawson and Diane Christiansen Kick Off Northeast Tour With Columbus House Concert
Preview Feature: Steve Dawson and Diane Christiansen Kick Off Northeast Tour With Columbus House Concert

Steve Dawson and Diane Christiansen from Dolly Varden come to Hogan House October 3


I can't get into specifics, but I came in this morning to an email that gave me a perfect opportunity to do a very professional mic drop on someone who's been a thorn in the side of our team for years. Felt very satisfying. A much better start to the week than the dog barfing in my bed.


Missed a golden opportunity in the early '10s to bring them back during the bacon craze.


I dont have a reference sheet, so hopefully this is adequate regardless thanks for opening the opportunity to oranges like me


I love The Reveal, good opportunity to put my money where my mouth is. Keep up the great writing!