I remember, gramps, but it's not important now let's get you some Ovaltine


PSA: you don't have to talk all the time. It takes a lot of effort for me to try to decode your mumbles, and even when I do succeed, it's usually no more meaningful than "drink your Ovaltine".


I could believe it's good of its kind, though I can't see the attraction. Ovaltine is what I would reach for.


I have no idea what you’re talking about but I saw the word malt and now I’m unexpectedly craving Ovaltine.


ovaltine used to slap


. 45 Days of Great Movies The Election Will Be Over (we hope) in 23 Days 23 More Days of #GreatMovies #23 "Young Frankenstein"

Illustrated poster of "YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN" - In my view, Mel Brooks's finest film. Flawless. Eminently quotable, each scene a perfect gem, every actor performing at her and his highest level. Brooks's writing and direction have never been better. He made great films before and after, but - arguably - none were the equal of "Young Frankenstein." I've spent my entire life quoting this film. Saw it first as a child of 8 in a beautifully appointed theatre in Portugal, with an audience whose first language was Portuguese (if that needs saying), with Portuguese subtitles... and it still brought down the house. (Needless to say, as a child, I did NOT understand most of the comedy, but what I did understand I found hilarious.) I've since seen it probably at least two dozen times, & can recite the dialogue verbatim. It is note perfect. I don't have room here to cite each performance, each scene... Suffice to say I can't name my favourite scene because there are TOO MANY PERFECT SCENES. However... Whenever I ask my son if he's hungry & suggest something he might like, & he declines... I then suggest something else. If he declines AGAIN, without fail, I say, "Some warm milk, perhaps?" He then eyes me warily, waiting for the inevitable follow-up... "OVALTINE!" And we collapse in peals of laughter. Every. Damned. Time. A half-century later, this film still delivers...

Maltesers should just be like chocolate ovaltine/Horlicks right? ...right?


lmao ovaltine is perfect way to describe them. highly processed substanceless fakes


im assured if the centre left party wins subsequent elections, they get forced into adopting progressively left wing positions rather than acting in their own interests as a party with no need to appeal to left wing voters its called the ovaltine window


Friday Nite finds Yours Truly at Wirral’s Go-To Destination Boutique Hotel living the Dream* *drinking Ovaltine in The Presidential