The Cheneys aren’t center right and they are deeply unpopular outside of neocon think tanks. It has nothing to do with building a coalition of voters, it’s about the PNAC crowd once again worming their way into the halls of power.


Those creeps, along with Mister PNAC - Kristol, was his name? They're all pretty evil, so just do the opposite of what they think is right.


I've long called PNAC the "Project for the Nineteenth American Century" so I guess it's good to see the GOP making it explicit at lastI've long called PNAC the "Project for the Nineteenth American Century" so I guess it's good to see the GOP making it explicit at last


A Fox News diz q Israel precisa ir atrás dos campos de petróleo do Irã". É disso q se trata. PNAC. Política neoconservadora p gds petrolíferas e fusão de corporações e estados. E a Fox tá preparando o campo p Israel roubar petróleo. Eu avisei! A essa altura, não sei c alguém pode ser cego a isso.


Fox News says “Israel needs to go after Iran’s oil fields.” See? That’s all it’s about. PNAC. Neo Con policy for big oil and the merger of corporation and state. And Fox is priming the field for Israel to go steal oil. Told ya! At this point I don’t know how anyone can be blind to this.


So true. Biden is following PNAC now. So is Kamala. A Neo Con policy.


Bibi’s running PNAC plays and Neo Con Biden and Harris who are in the WH are allowing it, and Trump wants to too.


Years ago everyone understood that Republicans wanted PNAC to succeed in the Middle East. They didn’t finish their plan. Today Democrats, Joe and Kamala are the ones pushing PNAC. See how that happens? Give it a few years and libs will be pushing Project2025 too.

US ‘plans to attack seven Muslim states’
US ‘plans to attack seven Muslim states’

Presidential hopeful General Wesley Clark says the White House devised a five-year plan after the 9/11 strikes to attack seven majority-Muslim countries.


Tony Blair gave institutionalised (his eventual creation of Prevent and anti terror laws/ surveillance directed at Muslim communities) islamophobia a kickstart because of his support for USA and its satellite rogue state. Important because the PNAC plan remains of reconfiguring mid east.


I’m hardly an expert, but I read Richard Clarke’s Against All Enemies and he made a pretty convincing case that a Gore Presidency could have avoided 9/11 altogether. Combine his narrative with what we know about PNAC and I am confident. No way to be sure, of course. All speculation at this point.