The NYT's interviewee means it when he says he has nothing against Haitians. It's not that he dislikes seeing them in his town. It's that he dislikes seeing them in his town DOING SO WELL. The fact that they are thriving with businesses and fixed up homes has him feeling some kinda way. RESENTFUL

According to Petersen, that change in status comes from a sense of injustice. Members of dominant groups simply believe they deserve to be the dominant force in their societies, and resent those challenging their positions at the top of the pyramid.

"Any group that’s been dominant — well, it’s not that easy for them not to be dominant anymore," Petersen tells me.
This helped explain the puzzle of Kaunas and Vilnius. In Kaunas, the Soviet invasion in 1940 had politically empowered local Jews, who had occupied leadership positions in the Communist Party prior to the invasion and ended up with plum Soviet jobs as a result. This sparked intense feelings of resentment on the part of Kaunas residents, resulting in the vicious pogrom. In Vilnius, by contrast, non-Jewish ethnic Poles held most leadership positions. The Soviet invasion didn’t empower Jews on a large scale, and thus failed to create any resentment toward them.
In his book, Petersen argues that his theory helps explain the causes of other cases of ethnic violence in Eastern Europe, including the carnage in the Balkans in the 1990s. Other scholars have since found that it could be used to understand communal violence elsewhere in the world.
A 2010 paper published in the journal World Politics tested Petersen’s theory, looking at 157cases of ethnic violence in nations ranging from Chad to Lebanon. It found strong statistical correlations between a group’s decline in status and the likelihood that it turns to violence against another group.
“"Any group that’s been dominant — well, it’s not that easy for them not to be dominant anymore"”

continuing our walk through Zack Beauchamp's 2017 Vox article "White Riot". Were on the Racial Resentment path.

As recently as the early 2000s, scholars didn't have a good answer to the question of why ethnic violence tore through one city without hitting the other. Roger Petersen, a political scientist at MIT, decided to try to find one. A year after arriving at MIT he published a book, 2002’s
Understanding Ethnic Violence, that contained the first truly solid framework for understanding the difference between Kaunas and Vilnius — and, as it turns out, the right-wing backlash we’re seeing across the world today.
Prior to Petersen, scholars often thought of ethnic violence in terms of
threat(one group turns to violence when it feels threatened by another) or in terms of "ancient hatreds"(long-simmering resentments that have left the groups wanting to kill each other). Petersen argued that while these explanations were correct in some cases, they were incomplete. Clearly, neither theory can explain the difference between Kaunas and Vilnius. Nor did they fit several other case studies in Petersen’s book.
In order to fully understand why ethnic violence happens, he argued, we need to appreciate the role of resentment : the feeling of injustice on the part of a privileged portion of society when it sees power slipping into the hands of a group that hadn't previously held it. Drawing on social psychology, he theorized that one of the under appreciated causes of ethnic violence was a change in the
legal and political status of majority and minority ethnic groups.

Goaltender Aleksei Kolosov is on the Lehigh Valley Phantoms roster to start the season. He joins Cal Petersen to form the tandem for the Phantoms.


mark zuckerberg with the metaverse VR concept is, and no disrespect to sandy petersen, like if you gave someone every lego set ever made and what they produced with it was The City levels from doom 2


¿Chaosium o Petersen Games? Porque Petersen Games se ha vendido a otra empresa de juegos

1 Gillar Paarup-Petersen starkt. Dock svårt att acceptera att han inte flyttat över till (helst) Mastodon eller iaf Bluesky ... "lead by doing".


And yes, they went full Mouse Guard, as is right and proper.

Showcase card of Mabel, illustrated by David Petersen.