Au final, trois "signaux potentiels de pharmacovigilance ont été identifiés" : un risque d’AVC, un risque d’affections respiratoires et un risque d’Episode d’Hypotonie-Hyporéactivité (caractérisée par une mollesse musculaire et de la paleur). Chacun d’entre eux va être surveillé de près. 7/9


Le rapport porte sur la période allant du 11 septembre 2023 au 30 avril 2024. 244 495 doses de Beyfortus ont été délivrées en maternité ou ville et 198 événements, dont 153 jugés "graves", ont été rapportés au système de pharmacovigilance. 2/9


This. I‘ve worked for decades in the administration for clinical trials and - especially with the „untested vaccine“ against Covid - have been arguing for years against the conspiracy ideas around medical research and pharmacovigilance. These people undermine the public trust in science itself.


Feliz Día Mundial del Farmacéutico! Los farmacéuticos son forman parte de los sistemas de sanitarios y desempeñan un papel vital a la hora de satisfacer las necesidades de salud, wn la cadena del medicamento, desde el desarrollo hasta las (oficinas de) farmacia #WPD2024

Pharmacists serve as integral members of healthcare systems, playing a vital role in meeting health needs. First and foremost, they ensure access to essential medicines and their optimal use, but they also use their expertise to contribute significantly to patient care and public health. In many places, pharmacists are the first point of contact for health advice and primary health care, especially in resource-limited settings. They help prevent diseases (e.g, through administering vaccinations); they conduct health screening, educate patients and help to improve health literacy; they support public health campaigns, participate in research and development of new medicines, lead in pharmacovigilance and make sure that antibiotics are used only when needed; they are implementing greener ways of working and addressing the impact of climate change on health; and they advocate for policy changes that promote better health outcomes.

Big role in Drug Safety/Pharmacovigilance has just been advertised. Director of the Drug Safety Research Unit (DSRU).


Joe B Hakim, Jeffery L Painter, Darmendra Ramcharran, Vijay Kara, Greg Powell, Paulina Sobcz... The Need for Guardrails with Large Language Models in Medical Safety-Critical Settings: An Artificial Intelligence Application in the Pharmacovigilance Ecosystem