Unreal making leaps into more photorealism in graphics but I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really care anymore if a game is realistic looking I play Sims, uhhh Quake, Animal Crossing??? And sometimes WoW and a little Call of Duty The only thing I care about is if it’s fun and I’m enjoying it


recent bangers tbh

a snow leopard in rainbow colours
another snow leopard chilling
cat in black and white, photorealism ig
jolteon :D

New version is amazing!! But you know, I sometimes still use old version, it keeps magical softness and photorealism even after 7.0 :)


I guess I'll start slowly posting these over here! Here is my Jan 2024 photo study/redraw of a photo I took! The goal is to try to as accurately as possible redraw a photo. I'm not usually a photorealism person so this is mainly just for fun / hopefully it'll help improve my backgrounds! #art

A digital drawing attempt at photorealism depicting a scene at sunset. The bottom third of the image shows layers of shadowy tree canopies. In the far distance, some faint amount of land and ocean can be seen. The majority of the image depicts the sky, which is a variety of shades of blue, yellow, and orange due to the setting sun. A variety of clouds layer the sky, and those near the sun catch the light and glow bright yellow and white. The overall colour palette is warm.

the whole dirt & grime & scratches & smudges to achieve photorealism in 3D art doesn’t even make sense if you think about it for 2 seconds, especially for product renders, bc what’s the first thing you do when you take a photo of a product? that’s right you clean it


is there another shorthand for "animation aiming for AAA videogames photorealism"is there another shorthand for "animation aiming for AAA videogames photorealism"


That's what she said. But yeah same. I'll boost if art style aligns too. Like, people who follow me probably aren't here for photorealism or dudes.


seriously so many older games, you can instantly recognize them at a glance, because the lower fidelity meant they needed a more defined style to look good, while a lot of modern games kinda just look the same because they can just go for photorealism


flux schnell is super nice! also does photorealism/cinematics quite well & fast oh and the insult generator is at for anyone who doesn't feel like digging up the path from the repo 😉 but do not abuse Andri's API keys pls


I think photorealism serves some games well, but the idea that all artistic efforts are just an arrow pointing towards reality is hopelessly narrow-minded. And even to the degree that I do like photorealism, I don't think this is a good way of achieving it. It still requires human artistic intent.