Fully opening myself up here lol, it's easier for me to just pinpoint PlayOnline issues with peeps than saying "look at this guide" cuz when *I* was linked to a guide years ago it did jack shit

WINDOWER/ASHITA? PlayOnline Issues?
Honestly just ask me about these I am fully willing to sit with you on Discord and help you set these up. Old systems from the early 00s are my hyperfixation and I can get you through honestly the biggest barrier to XI (PlayOnline)

Tipo n é só baixar um instalador, no retail tu instala o jogo, abre o play online, vai ter uma conta pro playonline, uma conta pro jogo e o playonline vai baixar o jogo por 1mb/s💔💔 e td vez q vc for jogar vai ter q abrir o próprio jogo pelo playonline


Problema n é a idade do jogo, a maioria dos servers privados n usam mais o playonline, só a square q faz malabarismo ainda com ele 😭😭 se algum dia tu jgoar o retail vai ver o pesadelo q o playonline é

a car is parked in a parking lot in front of a glass door .
a car is parked in a parking lot in front of a glass door .

ALT: a car is parked in a parking lot in front of a glass door .


for style i wanna have it look and feel like playonline, but if it was a digital magazine software thing and not an online Everything for your ps2 and also the pc


Me discovering that the PlayOnline Viewer has a whole OST (of 24 original songs!), and it's early 2000s vibes all the way down... 😍


The backup laptop comes in handy but I should do a better job maintaining the critical updates

PlayOnline Viewer, the launcher app for Final Fantasy XI, performing an update. It has 26mins estimated time remaining for 1,057 files to be downloaded. This is funny because they run the patch servers using late 90s network infrastructure.

Tempted to make a page on my site that's just the PlayOnline interface


so... you have to log into this PlayOnline every single time you play the game, huh? least the music's good #FFXI


OK, so I started FFXI last night, wrangles with PlayOnline, fixing graphics settings, then started the game. Wandered around town for a bit, walked out into the forest, attacked a worm, and then got demolished by a beetle. Good game.


Loved listening to this one, and hearing how much Austin and Jackson enjoyed FFXI, their discussion on the design and the world just sounded so interesting. I am soooo close to creating a PlayOnline account even though I really don't have time for an MMO...