🔍 Geolang: Our New Plugin for Translating WordPress Sites! 🌍 A first look at Geolang, the plugin that will make translating WordPress sites simpler!🚀 🔸 Integrated with Gutenberg 🔸 Easy to use 🔸 For multilingual sites Stay tuned! 🙌 #Geolang#WordPress#Gutenberg#ComingSoon#Multilingual


What should it have there? Imagine if you have a google earth for fantasy worlds. Probably a searchable wiki, some plugin based generators for content... Different map layers for things like climate and economy. Maybe something like vicky 3...


Used it once, hated it, re-loaded ComicPress theme and webcomic plugin. Gets the job done. I just need to ask a friend to tweak it a bit for a few issues.


What also makes this crazy is that the WordPress Plugin Directory requires you to provide updates for plugins through it. WP Engine is a major web host. They can easily serve updates for a plugin with 2+ million installs, so this is a problem that Matt and WordPress alone have created.

Detailed Plugin Guidelines – Plugin Handbook |
Detailed Plugin Guidelines – Plugin Handbook |

The Plugin Directory The goal of the WordPress Plugin Directory is to provide a safe place for all WordPress users – from the…


Best Way To Smooth Your Mix? Oeksound Soothe2 Tricks Do you ever feel like your music sounds too harsh or resonant? Like there are sounds in there that are too sharp and uncontrolled, but using an EQ might take all the life out of it, or there are just too many harsh peaks to EQ them all? #plugin

Best Way To Smooth Your Mix? Oeksound Soothe2 Tricks
Do you ever feel like your music sounds too harsh or resonant? Like there are sounds in there that are too sharp and uncontrolled, but using an EQ might take all the life out of it, or there are just too many harsh peaks to EQ them all? You may have heard of this very popular plug in soothe2, but let's really get under the hood with it and discover what it can do.

You can use soothe2 to tame any sort of sound, and it has many parameters you can utilize to control how it behaves. Essentially what it is doing is behaving as a dynamic EQ that automatically detects and reduces resonant frequencies in your signal as you are playing sound through it. You can control the specific range of frequencies you want it to smooth out, and you can also dial in the strength of the plug in, the attack and release in the same way as a compressor, the dry/wet ratio, and the relationship between mid/side or left/right! plugin

Ends Today ⌛️ Plugin Boutique $49 Synth Month Bundle Sale (Exclusive) - 92% Off 🚀


what does using a vim plugin in vscode make me


ollero.nvim v1.0.0 just got released! 🚀🚀🚀


Does anyone know if someone's built a utility/plugin to export your follow list from Twitter and import it here? Rather than manually looking for people?