Det skjer fremdeles viktige ting på Twitter, det er fremdeles innimellom en plattform som informerer, organiserer og setter dagsorden. Her kan man lese om en slik sak oppsummert, og forhåpentligvis ta opp tråden her på BS? #PodSaveJon


Social media can be a cruel place. Amidst all the muck, there are glimmers of hope. I wrote about disabled outrage and a recent hashtag I created on Twitter

On top of a brown wooden table is a COVID test with two lines indicating it is positive.

Mommy, what is a circle jerk? #PodSaveJon#PudPullingPod#PodSavePudPulling

Screenshot of tweet from @BenDreyfuss: people are apparently still mad at Bernie for saying that he was feeling OK after getting Covid and was working from home.

Reply from @jonfavs: I made the mistake of commenting on the absurdity of this particular outrage and have been called an ablest eugenics advocate by a lovely crew of folks who seem pretty excited that they briefly got #PodSaveJon trending.

This place is the best.

No. You’re here, and we didn’t like how you were behaving on the other app either. #PodSaveJon


So on Twitter is an amazing hashtag of how Dems and Liberals and yes even progressives contempt is not playing well with a swath of humanity And of course Ilhan Omar’s comms Guy is center stage being a twat while POD Save America eats their whole leg #podsavejon